Chemical Peeling Of Facial Skin

Chemical Peeling Of Facial Skin
Chemical Peeling Of Facial Skin

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Chemical peeling of facial skin

Chemical peeling of facial skin
Chemical peeling of facial skin

One of the most popular non-surgical methods of skin rejuvenation today is chemical peeling. Skin renewal with the help of this procedure is also called "medical peeling" or "chemical plastics", eloquently characterizing the approach to the procedure and its effectiveness.

Chemical peels not only provide an immediate effect to improve the appearance of the skin, but are also effective in combating serious skin problems such as discoloration, wrinkles and small scars of various origins. But, wanting to achieve the maximum result in one go, it should be borne in mind that using the most effective composition for chemical peeling of the skin is the least safe. This is due to the fact that a mixture of acids for chemical peeling of the facial skin selectively "burns" a certain part of it. A kind of chemical burn resulting from the procedure heals quickly, and the patient appears before the world with a renewed, ideally smooth face.

There is a gradation of chemical skin peeling according to the degree of penetration: superficial, medium and deep peeling. With superficial chemical peeling, the skin is cleansed only of the upper layer of dead skin cells, acquiring a normal, healthy color, as well as smoothness and silkiness. A medium chemical peel removes the entire superficial stratum corneum. This procedure stimulates the activation of regenerative processes in the skin and provides a noticeable rejuvenating effect. A cardinal dermatological procedure is a deep chemical peeling of the facial skin, which involves the removal of almost the entire epidermal layer of the skin. For each patient, the permissible degree of penetration and activity of acid compounds is individually set, depending on the condition of the patient's skin, its type,the severity of skin defects to be eliminated, and the presence of contraindications.

The advantage of this aesthetic dermatology procedure is the deep impact that ensures the long-term and high quality of an excellent result. For the prevention and mitigation of post-procedural complications, it is recommended to prepare the skin in advance at home using a weak solution of glycolic acid.

Everyone knows that any kind of peeling traumatizes the skin, therefore it becomes more sensitive and to some extent vulnerable to environmental influences. To avoid the added burn effect, chemical peels should be avoided in summer.

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