Laser Hair Removal - Reviews, Consequences, Principle

Laser Hair Removal - Reviews, Consequences, Principle
Laser Hair Removal - Reviews, Consequences, Principle

Laser hair removal

Session of laser hair removal of the legs
Session of laser hair removal of the legs

Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of hair growth in unwanted areas quickly and painlessly. The popularity of this procedure is growing more and more, because according to reviews, laser hair removal is much more effective than other methods of dealing with unwanted hair growth.

The laser can be used to remove hair from any hard-to-reach and sensitive area of the body. After laser hair removal, hair does not grow back for a long period of time.

The procedure for laser hair removal is not recommended for fungal and herpetic skin lesions, in the case of malignant neoplasms, in acute infections or exacerbations of chronic diseases. Gray and white hair is insensitive to laser radiation.

A modern laser allows you to remove excess vegetation in a minimum number of sessions. We recommend that you do your sessions not at home, but in beauty centers. Pay attention to such laser hair removal - it is carried out in the city of St. Petersburg in the Ola beauty centers. Feature - the use of the latest generation diode laser.

How does laser hair removal work?

Under the influence of the laser, the hair instantly and strongly heats up, since the heat wave absorbs the coloring pigment (melanin) in it. Because of this, the hair first becomes thinner, and after repeated exposure to the laser, the hair follicle dies off, and the hair falls out.

For the complete withering away of the hair follicle, at least 4 - 5 laser hair removal procedures are required, which varies depending on the individual characteristics of hair growth. It is impossible to achieve this in one session due to the peculiarities of the life phase of the hair, since the hair grows unevenly and with different intensity. Laser radiation has the maximum effect on hair in the phase of active growth, therefore its effect is usually uneven. The interval between laser hair removal sessions is usually 3 to 4 weeks.

The laser beam is fixed on dark hair, and light skin is not an obstacle for it. That is why, according to reviews, laser hair removal is ineffective for dark and dark skin, as well as for light and gray hair.

Before and after laser hair removal

According to experts, no special preparation for laser hair removal is required. Before carrying out this procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe or use self-tanning - this will reduce its effectiveness.

Before a laser hair removal session on your face, you can shave off or cut your hair short, it is desirable that their length is no more than 1 - 3 mm. Laser hair removal is not used to remove eyebrows.

It is not recommended to sunbathe after laser hair removal for a week, so as not to provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation. When going outside in direct sunlight, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. Cosmetologists do not advise at that time to use abrasive cosmetic skin care products, such as peeling or scrub.

After laser hair removal, a slight redness may appear on the exposed skin area as a result of expansion of the skin capillaries. Redness usually goes away on its own within 24 hours.

Chlorinated water in contact with the skin at the site of laser hair removal can cause a burning sensation in the first 2 days after the procedure. In the case of laser hair removal for bikini or armpits, for the purpose of hygiene, it is recommended to use soap with an antibacterial effect for several days after the procedure.

Laser hair removal procedure for legs
Laser hair removal procedure for legs

It is not recommended to use other methods of hair removal on this part of the body (wax, tweezers) between laser hair removal procedures, as they do not affect the hair follicle.

Laser facial hair removal

Laser facial hair removal is performed for both men and women. Problem areas requiring the removal of unwanted hair are present in both of them - most often it is the chin area, above the upper lip, the septum and the wings of the nose. And if for men shaving can become an alternative to laser facial hair removal, then for women it is practically unacceptable.

A separate problem of excessive hair growth (hirsutism) is faced by women with hormonal disorders, in particular, with hyperandrogenism (excessive formation of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body). In addition to the characteristic physique, such women are distinguished by excess hair growth above the upper lip.

For the procedure for laser hair removal, it is important that there are a minimum number of age spots or moles on the face, as this can not only reduce the effectiveness of hair removal, but also change the growth pattern of moles.

Bikini laser hair removal

Removing unwanted hair in the bikini area should be especially gentle, as the skin in that area is very sensitive. With a portable epilator, bikini laser hair removal can also be performed at home. After the epilation procedure, a special gel can be applied to the skin to cool and relieve irritation.

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