Why Is Laser Peeling Good

Why Is Laser Peeling Good
Why Is Laser Peeling Good

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Why is laser peeling good

Laser peeling result
Laser peeling result

Let's remember what peeling is in general and what it is for. The word "peeling" comes from the English word "to peel" - to remove the peel, the top layer. In cosmetology, this means removing the top layer of the skin - the very top of the epidermis. Every modern woman knows why this is needed. This triggers rejuvenation processes in the skin. The skin produces new protective cells that give it a fresh, radiant look. Of course, we mean successful peeling, because, alas, it can also be unsuccessful. In this case, if the upper layer of the epidermis is removed too roughly, other layers of the skin are also touched, thereby causing damage. It is especially easy to damage the skin with a chemical peel, since it is difficult to regulate the effect of a chemical agent, and everyone's skin is different.

It was here that laser peeling came to the rescue of the beauties. The essence of the action of laser peeling is as follows: under the influence of a directed beam of light of a special spectrum of radiation, the upper layer of the epidermis simply evaporates. It is not peeled off, as in mechanical peeling, and it is not burned out with a caustic solution, as in chemical peeling. It just disappears. In this case, the effect of the laser can be adjusted with an accuracy of microns, so there is no risk of damaging the deeper layers of the skin. This is already enough for laser peeling to gain universal recognition, but its miraculous properties do not end there.

The effect of a laser in general, and laser peeling in particular, is such that at the site of action, the processes of collagen formation, the very substance that makes up the skin frame, are triggered. Thus, laser peeling also has a lifting effect, or, as they say now, lifting.

Thanks to this, laser peeling can help even where all other methods are powerless, for example, in the treatment of rough pitted scars left by acne. Regular scars, and not only on the face, are also successfully amenable to laser treatment, and even when the scar tissue is too coarse, laser peeling can make scars much less noticeable.

Why is laser peeling good
Why is laser peeling good

Laser peeling has only one drawback: it is a rather expensive procedure compared to other types of peeling. But let's honestly tell ourselves that peeling is not a health problem, you can live without it. However, resorting to anti-aging techniques, you should not save on them, because you can get a completely opposite result, and there are a lot of examples of this. By the way, elimination of the consequences of unsuccessful chemical peeling is much more expensive than the most expensive laser peeling. In the matter of beauty and youth, you should trust only the safest techniques.

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