Tomato Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

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Tomato Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Tomato Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Video: Tomato Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Video: Tomato Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Video: VLOG 91 | I did the Tomato Diet and Lost 6lbs!! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 2024, October

Tomato diet

Tomatoes are loved by many and are incredibly healthy. Having made them the basis of the diet, you can not only lose extra pounds, but also saturate the body with substances valuable for life.

The composition of tomatoes includes vitamins (PP, groups A, B, C), magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iodine, silicon, iron, organic acids (citric and malic), pectin, fiber. Tomatoes stimulate intestinal peristalsis, cleanse blood vessels, thin the blood, and improve metabolism. In addition, they contain antioxidants that fight free radicals, slowing down the aging of body cells and preventing the formation of tumors. It is recommended to eat tomatoes regularly in case of low stomach acidity, the body's tendency to thrombus formation, and loss of strength.

In addition, tomatoes are low in calories, making them ideal for weight loss.

There are several options for the "Tomato Diet", the most popular are 3 days (rigid diet) and 14 days (balanced version).

Tomato diet: basic principles
Tomato diet: basic principles

Advantages of the "Tomato diet"

A three-day version of the "Tomato diet" allows you to get rid of 2-3 kg, and two-week - from 5-8 kg of excess weight.

"Tomato diet" provides the body with nutrients and cleansing it of toxins. A two-week diet can help improve metabolism.

The state of health on this diet, as a rule, is good, and the feeling of severe hunger does not torment.

Simplicity of diet, availability and low price of products are also attractive.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Tomato diet"

The "tomato diet" for 3 days is unbalanced, which is not a big disadvantage for such a short period, but it can pose a health hazard if you stick to the diet for longer.

"Tomato diet" is contraindicated in osteoporosis, diseases of the joints and pancreas, cholelithiasis, gout.

What foods are allowed?

List of permitted products for the "Tomato diet" for 3 days:

  • tomatoes;
  • freshly squeezed tomato juice;
  • olive oil;
  • honey;
  • green tea, rosehip tea, mineral water.

List of permitted products for the "Tomato diet" for 14 days:

  • lean meats, poultry and fish;
  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice);
  • olive and sesame oil for salad dressing;
  • tomato juice, green tea, mineral water.

What foods are prohibited?

All products, except those included in the permitted list, are prohibited, including salt, sugar, alcohol.

Tomato Diet menu

Tomato Diet menu for 3 days (all days are the same):

First breakfast 3 tomato salad *, seasoned with 1 tsp. oils. Lunch 3 tomatoes, 200 ml of tomato juice. Dinner 4 tomatoes baked in the oven, 200 ml of tomato juice. Afternoon snack 3 tomatoes, 200 ml of tomato juice. Dinner Salad of 2 tomatoes, seasoned with 1 tsp. oils, green tea. Before bedtime 200 ml of rosehip tea with 1 tsp. honey.

* Hereinafter, we mean medium-sized tomatoes.

An example of a one-day menu "Tomato diet" for 14 days:

Breakfast 200 ml of tomato juice, 2 slices of rye bread, 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of fruit salad. Dinner 200 ml of tomato juice, 100 g of baked fish, 100 g of brown rice, a slice of bread, cucumber. Dinner 200 ml of tomato juice, 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of fresh vegetable salad, a slice of bread.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. It is impossible to replace home-made tomato juice with store-bought ones, this can lead to poor health.

Tip 2. The best time for the "Tomato diet" is from July to September, that is, the season of tomatoes. During this period, they are not only cheap, but also contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Diet for 3 days Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 3 days

3 out of 5

The tomato diet is generally well tolerated, but the 3-day diet is unbalanced, which is not a big disadvantage in such a short period of time, but can be a health hazard if you stick to the diet for longer.

Recommended frequency: every 2 months Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products: Diet for 14 days Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 14 days

3.5 out of 5

Tomatoes are one of the most beloved and familiar vegetables on our table, they are tasty and healthy, and therefore the "Tomato diet" is usually well tolerated - it is especially easy to stick to it in summer, when the appetite is reduced due to the heat.

Recommended frequency: every 6 months Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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