Liepaja Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Liepaja Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Liepaja Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Liepaja diet

The author of the "Liepaja diet" is the Latvian nutritionist Lev Khazan, and it owes its name to the city in which he worked. The diet is suitable for those in need of significant weight loss. Her menu is very varied. The main focus is on significantly reducing portions and limiting calorie intake.

The rules of the Liepaja diet:

  • daily rate - 1200 kcal;
  • it is important to accurately observe the portion sizes and calculate their calorie content (for this it is worth getting an electronic kitchen scale);
  • 3 meals a day, the interval between breakfast and lunch is 5 hours, between lunch and dinner - 5.5 hours (except for the days specified in the menu);
  • any snacks are prohibited;
  • salt is excluded from the diet;
  • daily you should drink a certain amount of clean non-carbonated water - 1.75 liters in autumn and winter, 2 liters in spring and summer;
  • the duration of a night's sleep is at least 8 hours, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • regular but moderate physical activity, massage, hot baths with sea salt;
  • keeping a diary. Every day at the same time, it is necessary to measure weight, blood pressure and pulse, every week - blood sugar, 2 times a month - waist, hips and chest. This data is recorded in a diary, thus monitoring the health and effectiveness of the diet.

The basic dishes of the menu (meat salad, vinaigrette and vegetable side dish) are prepared according to special recipes:

  1. Meat salad. Finely chop boiled meat or sausage, jacket potatoes, pickled cucumber and egg. Add canned green peas, season with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream or mayonnaise.
  2. The vinaigrette. Dice boiled potatoes, carrots and beets, pickled cucumber, onions. Add sauerkraut and season with any vegetable oil.
  3. Vegetable side dish. Grate the boiled beets on a coarse grater, add chopped inflorescences of boiled cauliflower and canned green peas. Season with lemon juice.

"Liepaja diet" is designed for 3 months: in the first and second months, weight loss occurs, during the third - stabilization. After that, you should take a break for several months to avoid getting used to the diet. Otherwise, the weight loss process will slow down significantly. If there is a need for further weight loss, the three-month cycle can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Liepaja diet: permitted foods
Liepaja diet: permitted foods

Advantages of the "Liepaja diet"

"Liepaja diet" allows you to get rid of 10-12 kg per month, it is very effective for those who need to lose a lot of weight.

The diet is balanced, so there is usually no deterioration in well-being.

There is an extremely clear schedule of food intake, menus and daily calories are regulated, which is important for people who do not differ in disciplined eating behavior.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Liepaja diet"

The daily caloric value of 1200 kcal is low, and with an active lifestyle, you may feel a lack of energy. For this reason, this diet is not recommended for people whose work involves serious physical activity.

"Liepaja diet" is contraindicated for athletes, people with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes. If you have any chronic illness, you should consult your doctor before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

During the "Liepaja diet" all foods are allowed, except for prohibited ones.

What foods are prohibited?

The following are completely excluded from the diet:

  • sugar and sweets;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits (except for the third month of the diet);
  • juices from sweet fruits and berries, sweet carbonated drinks.

Liepaja diet menu

The Liepaja diet weekly menu is designed for 4 repetitions per month. That is, after the seventh day of the diet, you should start the weekly cycle again.

First day

Breakfast: sandwich with butter and cheese, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot dish of any meat with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: some canned fish or 1 tbsp. l. fish caviar, a slice of bread *, 120 g of vinaigrette, 200 ml of any drink.

Second day

Breakfast: sandwich with butter and sausage or meat, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot seafood or fish dish with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: 120 g of meat salad, 200 ml of any drink.

The third day

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot dish of any meat with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: some canned fish or 1 tbsp. l. fish caviar, a slice of bread, 120 g of vinaigrette, 200 ml of any drink.

Fourth day

Breakfast: a sandwich with butter and meat, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot seafood or fish dish with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: 120 g of meat salad, 200 ml of any drink.

The fifth day

Breakfast: sandwich with butter and cheese, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot dish of any meat with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: some canned fish or 1 tbsp. l. fish caviar, a slice of bread, 120 g of vinaigrette, 200 ml of any drink.

Sixth day

Breakfast: a sandwich with butter and meat, tea or black coffee.

Lunch: 160 g of a hot fish dish with any sauce, 120 g of vegetable garnish, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice.

Dinner: 120 g of meat salad, 200 ml of any drink.

Seventh day 300 g of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 500 ml of milk, 2 apples, 10 walnuts, divided into 5-6 meals at regular intervals.

* Slice of bread - a slice of approximately 60 × 90 × 15 mm.

The menu for the second month is the same, but the dinner on the fifth day consists of chocolate cheese and 5 oatmeal cookies.

In the third month of the "Liepaja diet" the first day of each week is made fasting. On this day, only 1 kg of fresh unsweetened fruits and 1.5 liters of kefir are consumed.

Useful Tips

Advice 1: it is better to drink water in small portions (100 ml each), so it is easier to drink the required volume when there is no thirst.

Tip 2: if there is a breakdown, the next day you just need to resume the diet.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 3 months

3.5 out of 5

The Liepaja Diet takes into account all the requirements for a safe and effective nutritional system. It is ideal for those who need to lose a lot of weight.

Recommended frequency: every six months
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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