Homemade Chacha - Preparation, Composition, Properties

Homemade Chacha - Preparation, Composition, Properties
Homemade Chacha - Preparation, Composition, Properties


Chacha - Georgian alcoholic drink
Chacha - Georgian alcoholic drink

Chacha is a traditional Georgian alcoholic beverage that belongs to the category of grape-type brandy.

Chacha composition

Traditional chacha is made from grapes with the addition of 60% alcohol. In Georgia, chacha is made from tangerines, cherry plums, figs and mulberry fruits, but the classic drink should be made from Rkatsiteli grapes.

The beginning of the production of this drink belongs to the ancient centuries of the creation of the Georgian state. This drink is the keeper of the family traditions of Georgia and is considered a healthy alcoholic drink, and is also imported as a national vodka.

Making chacha

Old recipes for making chacha have been preserved in many regions of Georgia. In the manufacture of the drink, unripe grapes are used, which are pressed as in the production of wine. The distillation process is carried out twice and 70% of the drink is kept in oak barrels, and then water is added.

When distilling chacha, the first and last fractions of alcohol are not removed, so the drink remains strong, has a tart taste with a grape flavor. As a result of distillation, methanol and fusel oils are formed in chacha, which should be removed by filtration.

Differences in chacha production technologies are manifested in the regions of the North Caucasus. In Georgia, the Rkatsiteli grape variety is mainly used, and in Abkhazia the Isabella and Kachichi grapes are used.

In the North Caucasus, chacha is produced both at home and in specialized industrial enterprises. Homemade chacha is a symbol of longevity in the Caucasus and is used in its pure form. Chacha cocktails with fruit pieces and ice cubes are popular among young people.

Homemade chacha recipe
Homemade chacha recipe

In the winter season in Georgia, homemade chacha serves as a warming and anti-inflammatory agent. It can be served with both main courses and desserts. Before preparing the drink, the grapes are not washed and the seeds are not removed, they are crushed in a large container and 5 liters of water are added, and then covered with gauze for 3-4 days. The resulting wort is squeezed out and diluted with sugar in warm water, leaving for 6-7 days. Stir and taste the drink every day.

The first stage of distillation of chacha is carried out in a water bath, and then in the second stage all unnecessary substances are cut off and about 5 liters of drink are obtained.

The resulting alcoholic beverage has a strength of 70%, which can be reduced by adding water.

Useful properties and contraindications

Chacha is considered to be antiviral, decongestant, and anti-inflammatory. With regular use of the drink, blood circulation improves, the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized and the digestion process is enhanced.

In the Caucasus, chacha is used as an aperitif, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes metabolism and increases blood pressure.

Chacha, as a strong alcoholic drink, is contraindicated for use by people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer disease, mental disorders, hypertension, cancer, as well as children under 18 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation.

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