Homemade masks for oily skin

It is not for nothing that oily skin is called problematic - due to the active work of the sebaceous glands on the skin, a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria. Enlarged pores, blackheads, redness are often added to the oily sheen of the skin, all this in the complex of any person can unbalance.
There is a way to solve this problem - masks for oily skin give a good result. They can be bought ready-made, or you can make them at home.
Here we give recipes for homemade masks for oily skin, different in action, and if you want to use purchased products to save time, you will already know which components you should pay attention to.
Masks for oily skin
Recipe number 1 - a mask that will help make the skin more matte, give it tone. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of crushed green tea with several tablespoons of kefir (2-3) and apply this mixture on the face. Wash off the product with cool water after 15 minutes.
Recipe # 2 - Homemade mask for oily skin that helps to tighten pores, relieve irritation, soften skin. For this mask you need sage (2 teaspoons), mint (1 teaspoon) and rose hips (3-4 pieces). Sage according to the recipe is taken dry, while mint and rose hips can be taken both dry and fresh.
Prepare a mask for oily skin as follows: pour a mixture of herbs into 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes under a lid in hot water. Then filter the infusion, wipe the face with it. The grass is placed on a gauze cut specially prepared for the mask - with slots for the nose and eyes, and the face is covered with it. You can put a towel over the mask. After 20 minutes, the mask is removed and the face is washed with cool water.
Recipe number 3 - cleansing mask for oily skin. It has been noticed that oatmeal is good for cleaning the skin, which is why this recipe appeared: mix a tablespoon of crushed flakes with a teaspoon of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of honey, and egg white. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, and wash it off with warm and cool water.
Recipe # 4 is another cleansing mask for oily skin that has drying properties. The action of the mask is based on brewer's yeast (1 tablespoon of powder), sour milk - it is added as much as necessary to obtain a homogeneous thick mass. 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% are added to the mixture. Apply the mask on the face for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Recipe # 5 - a mask for oily skin with visible blackheads and enlarged pores. Kefir (3 tablespoons), lemon juice (a teaspoon), tea tree oil (2-3 drops), cosmetic clay - green, white or blue (0.5 tablespoon) help to fight such deficiencies. To prepare this homemade mask, mix the listed ingredients to make a paste. It is applied on the face to problem areas with a dense layer for 10 minutes. Remove the mask with a damp cotton swab.
Masks for oily scalp

Oily scalp causes no less inconvenience than problem skin. It is she who is the main reason why hair looks untidy, requires frequent washing and does not fit well.
We offer 5 recipes for masks for oily scalp.
Recipe No. 1 - a mask for the scalp, which allows you to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, nourish the hair along its entire length. Simple kefir, whey or yogurt can help. They are applied to the hair, rubbed into the scalp before washing, and left for an hour. After 60 minutes, the hair can be washed in the usual way.
Recipe # 2 is another mask to help reduce sebum production. The mask contains cognac (teaspoon), egg yolk, water (teaspoon) - they are mixed, rubbed into the scalp, and left for 15 minutes.
Recipe # 3 - a mask for oily scalp made from potatoes. They take two raw potatoes, rub them on a grater, squeeze the juice, add kefir to it (1 glass or less, depending on the length of the hair). The mixture is distributed through the hair, rubbed into the roots, left for 30 minutes, wrapped in a towel. Instead of potatoes, pumpkin or cucumber pulp can be used to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Recipe number 4 - mustard mask for oily skin. In addition to helping to reduce oiliness, mustard stimulates hair growth. Prepare the mask as follows: mix dry mustard (2 tablespoons) with hot water (also 2 tablespoons), egg yolk, olive or any cosmetic oil (2 tablespoons), granulated sugar (2 teaspoons). This mask should be applied to the roots, withstand, if possible, half an hour - the mustard will bake. It is advisable to treat the ends of the hair with any oil so that the mustard does not dry them out.
Recipe # 5 is not exactly a recipe, but advice to use essential oils of chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, burdock, basil, calendula, geranium, mint, rose, rosemary, thyme, orange, sage. These oils can be added to shampoo to reduce the oiliness of the scalp.
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