Tuna - Calorie Content, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

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Tuna - Calorie Content, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Tuna - Calorie Content, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Video: Tuna - Calorie Content, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Video: Tuna - Calorie Content, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Video: 13 Major Health Benefits of Tuna Fish | Health And Nutrition 2024, September


The beneficial properties of tuna and the extraordinary taste of its meat have made this fish incredibly popular all over the world.

The nutritional value Portion Tuna 100 g Amount per serving Calories 139 Calories from Fat 41.4 % Daily value * Total Fat 4.6 g 7% Saturate fats 1.3 g 7% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.42 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.54 g Cholesterol 38 mg 13% Sodium 75 mg 3% Potassium 350 mg 10% Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Proteins 24.4 g 49% Vitamin A 8% Vitamin B6 39% Niacin 53% Thiamine 19% Iron 6% Calcium 3% Magnesium 8% Phosphorus 28% Zinc 5% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 139 kcal?

Walking 35 minutes
Jogging 15 minutes.
Swimming 12 minutes
A bike 20 minutes.
Aerobics 28 minutes
Household chores 46 minutes


Tuna is a fish from the Mackerel family. This fish is quite large and some specimens reach three meters in length and weigh up to 500 kg. The largest tuna known to history weighed 1,355 kg. The fish has a slightly elongated, fusiform body, and leathery keels are parallel on the caudal peduncle. There is a sickle-shaped fin on the back.

Tuna is predominantly found in the warm waters of tropical and subtropical seas, often found in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. In Ukraine, tuna is found in the Black Sea. The fish prefers to keep in small schools and swim at great depths. Shoals swim from place to place in search of cephalopods, pelagic crustaceans and small fish. Tuna is a fast fish and can cover a fairly long distance in a short time. She can reach speeds of up to 77 km per hour thanks to a powerful circulatory system and a perfect body structure, suitable for constant movement. The energy that tuna spends when moving makes its blood several degrees higher than the temperature of the surrounding water.

Types of tuna

There are six types of tuna most common:

  • Albacore, also sometimes referred to as longfin tuna. This species is found in almost all waters of the world's oceans. The only exceptions are the polar regions. In length, albacore can reach 1.5 meters and, thanks to the very high quality meat, it is a valuable object of industrial fishing. Albacore meat is especially common in America.
  • Bigeye tuna, which can be up to 2.5 meters long and weigh up to 400 kg. A distinctive feature of this species is its wide fin, which has up to 14 dorsal spines. During migration, big-eyed tuna sinks into cold deep waters, which is unusual for other species. There he feeds abundantly, and his heart functions more actively. But tuna cannot constantly be in cold water and periodically it needs to swim to the surface in order to warm up.
  • Blackfin tuna, the smallest member of the family, does not exceed one meter in length, and, as a rule, weighs no more than 20 kg. The fish lives only off the coast of Brazil, in the west of the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike other species, blackfin tuna feeds on squid and crabs, small larvae and shrimp. Sometimes, of course, it also feeds on small fish, but in much smaller quantities. This species has a short lifespan, a 5-year-old fish is considered old.
  • Bluefin tuna is one of the fastest and largest fish in the family. The fish feeds mainly on mackerel, herring and squid, which other types of tuna usually cannot catch.
  • Atlantic bluefin tuna found in the Atlantic. Previously, bluefin tuna lived in the Black Sea, but recently the Black Sea population has disappeared. It is visually similar to Pacific blue, so they can be easily confused. Among other species, bluefin tuna is the most valuable. There are cases when his carcass was bought for more than 100 thousand dollars. Basically, this kind of money for fish is given by the Japanese, who use it to prepare national dishes.
  • Southern bluefin tuna, which can be found in the waters of the southern hemisphere. This species is currently under threat of extinction, since since the 50s it has been the basis of the fishery, as a result of which its population has decreased by 90%. Therefore, now the catch of this species is possible only within clearly defined quotas.

Application of tuna

In general, tuna is of great commercial importance, and the numerous properties of tuna have made it the second most popular seafood in the world (the first belongs to shrimp). The largest consumer of tuna is Japan, which consumes about 43 thousand tons annually.

The tuna meat tastes very tender and delicious. In addition, because of the relatively high calorie content of tuna, as well as its high protein and hemoglobin content, it is considered a nutritious food. In France, for example, because of the benefits of tuna and the uncharacteristic taste for fish, it is compared to steamed veal.

Tuna is widely used for cooking various dishes: salads, soups, hot vegetable dishes. It is fried, baked, salted, steamed, smoked, stewed. It is from tuna that the Japanese prefer to cook their famous sushi, since it is believed that this fish is not infected with parasites.

Canned tuna is very popular all over the world. It can be preserved in its own juice or in any vegetable oil. Such canned food is an independent snack, in which, perhaps, you can add a drop of lemon juice and decorate with herbs, vegetables and olives. In addition, such canned food can be added to various salads or used to make pizzas or pies.

Composition and calorie content of tuna

100 g of tuna contains 68.09 g of water, 23.33 g of proteins, 4.9 g of fat, 1.18 g of ash; vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, B4, E, D; macronutrients: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; trace elements: selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron.

The calorie content of tuna per 100 g of product is approximately 145 kcal.

Useful properties of tuna

Dutch scientists conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which it was proved that the daily consumption of 30 g of tuna reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases in half. The main, but far from the only, benefit of tuna is the high content of the omega-3 fat complex.

The beneficial properties of tuna also include a high content of trace elements, vitamins and essential acids necessary for the body. Regular consumption of tuna reduces the risk of allergic reactions, promotes the production of antibodies, fights inflammatory diseases, is useful for the prevention of cancer, relieves depression, relieves pain in arthrosis and arthritis.

Salad with tuna
Salad with tuna

The benefits of tuna are to stimulate metabolism and normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, it promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, so doctors, despite the high calorie content of tuna, recommend it to people suffering from obesity and hypertension. Tuna is especially useful for improving and restoring the properties of human skin and mucous membranes, in particular for eczema.


Despite the huge benefits, tuna is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and kidney failure. It is also not recommended to use it for pregnant and lactating women and young children, as tuna meat tends to accumulate mercury. The mercury content of meat cannot harm an adult, but it can negatively affect the development of nervous functions in young children.

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