Hare - Benefits, Use, Contraindications

Hare - Benefits, Use, Contraindications
Hare - Benefits, Use, Contraindications


Hare contains vitamins C, PP, B6 and B12, cobalt, potassium, iron, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc.


The calorie content of 100g of hare is 182 calories. It contains 13.5 g of proteins, 12.9 g of fat, 4.9 g of saturated fatty acids, 3.2 g of carbohydrates.

The high nutritional value of hare meat is explained by the fact that it contains more proteins than poultry meat, and its fat lends itself well to heat treatment.

The benefits of hare

Due to its low fat content and softness, the minimum sodium content, meat can be included in the diet of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, suffering from high blood pressure, allergies.

Hare contains lecithin, and therefore meat helps prevent atherosclerosis.

Due to the fact that hare meat is dietary and contains protein, it can be consumed by athletes, following a special diet to strengthen muscles.

It is noticed that with the regular use of hare, vision improves, mucous membranes and skin are restored, and metabolism improves.

For those who are going to include hare in their diet for weight loss, it is useful to know that it goes well with carrots, cabbage, potatoes, dill, and rosemary. The smell of hare is well removed by the juniper.

It is noticed that with the help of hare it is good to restore strength after a long illness.

Meat is useful for the elderly, lactating and pregnant women, sick children.

How to choose hare meat

In the diet, it is preferable to use young hare. In order to determine the age of a hare, they look at the ulna: in a young hare, a tubercle is felt on it, which disappears with age.

To make the meat soft and eliminate the specific smell, in most recipes it is recommended to soak it for 10-12 hours in vinegar and water. But for dietary nutrition, soaking meat in milk whey is more suitable.

In addition, nutritionists believe that to preserve the nutritional value of hare, it is better to cook in parts. Young hare is cooked for at least 40 minutes.

Braised hare
Braised hare

Contraindications to the use of hare

Hare has no special contraindications, only if you are intolerant to this type of meat, it is undesirable to eat it.

It is not recommended to abuse hare meat, as well as other types of meat - it contains purine bases, which, turning into uric acid, cause gout, arthritis, and are deposited in joints and tendons. In children, an excess of uric acid can cause neuro-arthritic diathesis.

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