Road Safety For Children

Road Safety For Children
Road Safety For Children

Road safety for children

Road safety for children - what a child should know
Road safety for children - what a child should know

The road and railways are a source of increased danger for all pedestrians, and especially for children, who have an undeveloped sense of danger in front of moving vehicles. The innate defensive reflex of a person on the road can play a cruel joke. Instead of not running out onto the road, the child jumps away from the moving car and gets hit by the wheels of the car following. Parents should ensure that their children are safe on the road by holding their hand as they move through the crossing. The most dangerous age is one to two years. The child's brain is underdeveloped. When one dominant appears, the higher nervous system cannot immediately switch to another type of activity. If the ball escaped from the hands and rolled away, you need to catch up with it and pick it up. In this case, it does not matter at all in which direction you have to run. The baby has only one thought, more of his brain is not able to process. A child who is carried away will simply not notice a moving car. A similar situation is with older children who are trying to rescue a kitten that jumped out onto the road. Road safety for children provides for a number of prohibitive measures, the need for which must be explained to the child from the age as he begins to understand speech. The kid needs to know that the car cannot stop instantly, it will surely travel a few more meters, and the braking distance of railway transport is much longer. Therefore, games near railroad tracks are strictly prohibited. A similar situation is with older children who are trying to rescue a kitten that jumped out onto the road. Road safety for children provides for a number of prohibitive measures, the need for which must be explained to the child from the age as he begins to understand speech. The kid needs to know that the car cannot stop instantly, it will surely travel a few more meters, and the braking distance of railway transport is much longer. Therefore, games near railroad tracks are strictly prohibited. A similar situation is with older children who are trying to rescue a kitten that jumped out onto the road. Road safety for children provides for a number of prohibitive measures, the need for which must be explained to the child from the age as he begins to understand speech. The kid needs to know that the car cannot stop instantly, it will surely travel a few more meters, and the braking distance of railway transport is much longer. Therefore, games near railroad tracks are strictly will certainly travel a few more meters, and the braking distance of railway transport is much longer. Therefore, games near railroad tracks are strictly will certainly travel a few more meters, and the braking distance of railway transport is much longer. Therefore, games near railroad tracks are strictly prohibited.

The kid should know the following rules for the safety of children on the road, which are aimed at preventing injury:

  • Under no circumstances should you run out onto the roadway;
  • Do not try to touch a car moving at low speed;
  • Do not touch the wheels of a car standing in the yard, moreover, do not use it for hide-and-seek games;
  • A standing car must be bypassed from behind or in front only at such a distance that you can run away to the side in case of a sudden movement;
  • Seeing a car moving in the yard, you need to step aside, it is better to return to the entrance and wait for the car to pass.

Ensuring road safety for children should be handled by nearby adults, regardless of who they are.

Children's safety rules on the road

From early childhood, it is necessary to explain to the child the rules of the road for pedestrians, reinforcing knowledge by example. Children need to know the following points, which are important to follow in all circumstances:

  • You need to cross the street only in those places where there are road markings: "zebra", and a green traffic light;
  • Adults provide the best road safety for children walking on their own, it is important to wait for any adults and cross the road with them;
  • In no case should you cross the carriageway - movement on the road should only be a step;
  • You should not rush to get out on the road, letting the first moving car pass, other cars may follow;
  • For the purpose of road safety, special rules have been developed for children traveling in an organized group. This movement is a column, accompanied by adult educators: at the head and at the rear. In this case, the children must have identification items - flags, balloons, etc.;
  • If there is an underpass, it must be used even if there is an acute shortage of time;
  • Crossing the carriageway, in accordance with the safety requirements on the road, it is important for children to know that first of all they should look to the left, after crossing half of the road - to the right;
  • Public transport vehicles: buses, trams, fixed-route taxis - it is dangerous to go around from any side, both in front and behind. It is better to cross the street along the crossing, passing the "extra" meters to the right or left along the road;
  • According to the safety requirements for children on the road, you cannot stand on the side of the road at public transport stops, but you must be on a special site.

It is important for every child to understand that the road is life-threatening. This position is most effective for children, as they fear death or injury more than being late.

Traffic safety for children

Fun road safety lessons for kids
Fun road safety lessons for kids

Drivers should be especially vigilant with young pedestrians and passengers, including their own children. According to the concept of road safety for children, adopted in all European countries, a child under 12 years old with a height of up to one and a half meters must be in the car only fastened to a special seat in the back seat. The child seat is fixed to the passenger seat and performs the function of fixing the body in case of sudden braking.

When driving, drivers need to slow down near educational and preschool institutions, regardless of whether there are warning signs and speed bumps.

Particular vigilance should be exercised when driving through a residential area. For the safety of children on the road, make sure that no toddler is nearby before parking or driving. This proximity must be at least ten meters.

It is important for parents to know that the child's psyche is arranged in such a way that parents can never harm him. Therefore, babies fearlessly approach their parents' cars, considering them as safe as dad and mom. It should be explained to the child that road safety for children must be met, regardless of whose car is moving nearby. Each car has certain "blind spots" that remain invisible when driving. Therefore, before you start driving, it is recommended to walk around the car and make sure that there is no one behind the car.

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