Hallucinosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hallucinosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hallucinosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hallucinosis (hallucinosis; Latin hallucinatio - visions, delirium + Greek. -Sis (word-form. Suffix) - disease; synonym: hallucinatory syndrome) is a psychopathological syndrome characterized by profuse hallucinations, in some cases accompanied by delirium.

Types of hallucinosis:

  • Alcoholic (synonym: hallucinatory insanity of drunkards, obsolete.) - develops with alcoholism; characterized by the predominance of true verbal hallucinations of unpleasant content in combination with motor excitement with impulsive actions, hallucinatory delirium; arises against the background of clear consciousness;
  • Delusional - accompanied by delirium, which in its content is closely related to the content of hallucinations, as well as a persistent belief in the reality of hallucinations;
  • Verbal (verbalis) - characterized by verbal hallucinations; develops against the background of acute alcoholic psychosis, various intoxications, etc.;
  • Visual (visualis) - with a predominance of visual hallucinations; develops with a darkened consciousness;
  • Olfactory (olfactoria) - proceeds with a predominance of profuse, in most cases unpleasant olfactory hallucinations;
  • Acute (acuta) - develops suddenly, is reversible, proceeds without clouding of consciousness with a predominance of verbal, less often visual or tactile hallucinations in combination with fear, anxiety and delirium;
  • Peduncular (peduncularis; synonyms: mesencephalic hallucinosis, lermitte hallucinosis) is a visual hallucinosis, characterized by variability, mobility, mass, small size of visual images and the stage nature of hallucinations; observed with focal lesions in the midbrain pedicles;
  • Syphilitic (syphilitica) - chronic verbal hallucinosis against the background of the vascular form of syphilis of the brain;
  • Complex (complexa; synonym: mixed hallucinosis) - a combination of tactile, visual, auditory and other hallucinations;
  • Tactile (tactilis) - proceeds with a feeling on the body of crawling or bites of small living creatures, in more rare cases - the presence of inanimate objects under the skin or on the surface of the body; more often observed in old age;
  • Toxic (toxica) - caused by chronic intoxication;
  • Chronic (chronica) - proceeds over many years with a wavy or continuous course with auditory and / or tactile hallucinations.

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