Menopause guide: all treatment methods in one article
Every woman sooner or later reaches the age when cardinal changes begin in her body. It's about menopause. Menopause is a natural stage in the development of the female body, at which the female reproductive function is fading away. In most cases, the first manifestations of menopause occur in 45-50 years.
The process of decreasing fertility is accompanied by complex hormonal changes in the body. Due to the deficiency of female sex hormones (which is typical for menopause), symptoms appear that significantly reduce the quality of a woman's life: hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, etc.
Is it possible to reduce the manifestations of menopause while staying in good physical and emotional shape? In the article, we will give an answer to this question and provide a short guide to all the main methods for relieving menopausal symptoms.

General recommendations
It should be understood that menopause is a natural period in every woman's life. You should not be afraid of him, you just need to be mentally and physically ready for this. The main point in preparing for the period of menopause is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the help of proper nutrition, regular activity and rejection of bad habits, you can delay the moment of the onset of menopause and, if not completely avoid it, then minimize its manifestations.
For the prevention and improvement of a woman's condition when the restructuring of the body has already begun, the following rules should be followed:
- Monitor your diet. By changing your eating habits, you can improve your overall well-being and prolong your youthfulness. The diet of an adult woman should contain a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, fermented milk products, fish, lean meat. At the same time, one should abandon sausages and fast food, and also reduce the use of salt, flour products, fatty and fried foods. Strong black tea and coffee are best replaced with herbal teas or green tea.
- Do sport. Physical activity is the best way to keep your body young. And the endorphins (hormones of joy and happiness) produced during exercise will help to lift your mood and make it easier to survive menopause. However, it is not at all necessary to become a professional athlete. It is enough to choose an activity to your liking - Scandinavian walking, yoga, swimming, stretching, cycling, etc. Even the most ordinary daily walks in the fresh air will give a visible effect (the optimal time is half an hour every day).
- Observe the daily routine. A full 8-hour sleep, rest breaks during the working day, fractional meals and daily physical activity - this is all that allows a woman to stay in good shape, forgetting about the manifestations of menopause.
- To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol, smoking and menopause are completely incompatible. Bad habits negatively affect the emotional and physical state of a woman. Instead, it is better to spend more time outdoors, walk with family and friends, and devote time to your hobbies and hobbies.
Traditional methods
Proven alternative methods can reduce the manifestations of climacteric symptoms:
- Soy. Soy is a natural source of estrogen. Studies have shown that eating soy foods daily can help relieve muscle pain caused by estrogen loss.
- Green tea. Green tea contains a unique amino acid, theanine. It helps the body deal with stress, improves concentration and attention. It is also a great source of energy to help the body fight anxiety and fatigue.
- Valerian root. This remedy can help reduce the intensity of climacteric symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, early awakenings, panic attacks, and muscle spasms.

Biologically active additives (dietary supplements)
Dietary supplements do not contain hormones and are not drugs. Their main purpose is to saturate the body with useful substances and prevent the development of serious disorders in the body.
According to scientists, the diet of an adult should contain more than 600 micro and macro elements. However, with the modern rhythm of life, it is extremely difficult to replenish the body with all the necessary nutrients. Supplements come to the rescue - funds obtained from animal and vegetable raw materials.
Dietary supplements cannot completely replace female hormones, but they can relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Due to the fact that the main reason for the onset of menopausal symptoms is a deficiency of certain hormones, to eliminate these manifestations, it is necessary to make up for the lack of these very hormones in the body. That is why hormone replacement therapy has always been considered the most common treatment for menopause symptoms.
For menopausal hormone therapy, 2 types of drugs can be used:
- containing estrogens;
- combined preparations (containing both gestagens and estrogens).
Hormonal drugs can be administered vaginally (cream, suppositories and rings), inside (tablets), transdermally (special patches and gels), and intramuscularly. Regular intake of hormones helps to avoid problems associated with menopause: insomnia, hot flashes, sweating, irritability, etc. However, along with the high efficiency of hormone therapy, there are high risks of complications and side effects.
In addition, there is a group of women for whom these drugs are contraindicated for health reasons. Therefore, before starting such treatment, a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination (smear tests, mammography, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, etc.) in order to exclude possible contraindications.
Hormone therapy in no case can be carried out under the following conditions:
- bleeding from the genital tract, the nature of which has not been established;
- mammary cancer;
- malignant tumor of the uterus;
- diseases accompanied by thrombosis;
- late cutaneous porphyria - increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light due to the accumulation of porphyrins, as well as easy vulnerability of the epithelium and liver damage.
There are also relative contraindications for taking hormonal drugs:
- liver disease;
- cholelithiasis;
- pancreatitis;
- some forms of hereditary increase in blood lipoproteins;
- high blood pressure;
- uterine fibroids;
- endometrioid disease;
- migraine;
- epilepsy and some others.
Due to the high likelihood of complications from the use of hormone replacement therapy, scientists continued to look for new ways to solve the problem of menopausal syndrome. The main task is to achieve high efficiency from new drugs in the absence of serious side effects. This is how alternative means of pathogenetic help appeared.
Alternative to hormone replacement therapy
One of the most modern drugs used for menopause is Pineamin. This drug is the world's first injectable drug that not only eliminates menopausal manifestations, but also has a proven anti-aging effect. The active substance of the preparation is low molecular weight water-soluble polypeptide fractions. Pineamin is able to improve the functioning of the anterior pituitary gland and normalize the level of gonadotropic hormones.

The drug corrects the changes occurring in the female body and fights against such manifestations of menopause as:
- hot flashes and sweating;
- insomnia and early awakenings;
- violations of the emotional background;
- headaches;
- palpitations;
- decreased libido, etc.
Pineamine injections can improve not only the internal functioning of the female body, but also the external appearance. So, women who use Pineamin for a long time notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails and, in general, a slowdown in the aging process of the body.
The drug has successfully passed all clinical trials, during which the absence of an adverse effect of the drug on the cardiovascular, hematopoietic, nervous, excretory and respiratory systems, as well as on the metabolism and general well-being of a person was confirmed. It has also been proven that Pineamine has no toxicity even with repeated drug overdose.
The course of Pineamin injections leads to a positive result: a decrease in the intensity of climacteric symptoms and a suspension of the aging process of the female body.
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