Doctor's recommendations for choosing a tonometer
The device for measuring pressure is called a tonometer. There are several types of devices. Often people purchase a device without even consulting a specialist. However, the doctor will certainly help and suggest which discounted tonometer is best for the patient.

For the experienced user and healthcare professional, a mechanical blood pressure monitor will always be the best. This device requires the simultaneous presence of two people - the patient and the measuring one. You won't be able to use it on your own. In addition, the second person must have good hearing and vision to note the results.
The positive aspects include reliability and high accuracy of measurements, as well as the absence of the need for power supply. However, experience is required to use such a device.
Semiautomatic device
In such a device, there is an electronic unit, however, the air in the cuff must be injected independently with the help of a pear. A semiautomatic tonometer is also inconvenient for one person to use - you need someone to help. The advantages of the device include the fact that it itself shows the measurement results on the screen, there are often additional functions, suitable for inexperienced users.
The disadvantages are the larger size than the mechanical one, the need to fully charge the batteries so that the results are not distorted, the increased cost.

Fully automatic device that can be used by anyone. The device performs all the work independently; the patient only needs to press a button. The study results appear on the screen. The positive aspects include the possibility of self-application, the presence of many additional functions. Wrist blood pressure monitors can be used outside the home.
However, there are also disadvantages - the need for electricity, it is possible to distort the results of the survey when the batteries are installed, the high cost. In addition, a wrist tonometer is not suitable for older people.
Experts recommend, before purchasing a tonometer on the website, to decide who exactly needs the device, in what conditions it is planned to use it, whether it needs additional functions. If a person has good experience and he takes it for a relative, then a mechanical device will be enough. Otherwise, only an automatic device will do.
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