Contour Correction Of Nasolabial Folds

Contour Correction Of Nasolabial Folds
Contour Correction Of Nasolabial Folds

Contour correction of nasolabial folds

Contour correction of nasolabial folds - reviews of women
Contour correction of nasolabial folds - reviews of women

Contour correction is a procedure for filling wrinkles with special gels (fillers). This technique is used to correct the area of the cheekbones and oval of the face, folds and wrinkles of any depth, change the shape and volume of the lips, as well as emphasize their contour.

Contouring procedure for nasolabial folds

Before the procedure, a suitable drug is selected, and the volume required for administration is calculated. The amount of gel varies from 0.5 to 2 ml, and sometimes more.

When contouring the nasolabial folds, the needle is inserted under the retraction zone or wrinkle intradermally. The actual gel is injected at the outlet, thereby replenishing the missing volume and raising the fold above the skin level.

The injection technique can be different, depending on the injection site. For example, when correcting the shape of the lips, first, as a rule, a contour is created, and only then their volume is corrected. After that, the doctor gently massages the injection area of the gel to distribute it evenly in the tissues.

According to reviews, during the contouring of the nasolabial folds, painful sensations are present, which is understandable, since injections are injected directly into the skin. For pain relief, patients are offered conduction anesthesia (injections) or anesthetic cream.

It should be noted that the use of painkillers provokes the development of severe edema, which somewhat neutralizes the effect of the procedure. Today there are fillers based on lidocaine and hyaluronic acid, which can reduce bleeding during contouring.

The result obtained from the procedure lasts 6-12 months. It depends on many factors: the depth of the gel injection, the viscosity of the preparation, the zone to be corrected, the lifestyle and the individual characteristics of a particular patient. In mimically active areas, which include the nasolabial folds, drugs dissolve faster. The effect of the procedure lasts only a few months if the patient has severe dry skin or suffers from thyroid diseases.

Fillers for contouring of nasolabial folds

Most often, the correction of problem areas is carried out with fillers based on hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Surjiderm, Yuvederm). According to reviews, these drugs are best suited for contouring the nasolabial folds, since they are absolutely safe and do not cause allergies. However, hyaluronic acid gels have their drawbacks: re-correction will be required after 6 months.

Less commonly, fillers based on calcium hydroxyatite are used for contour correction, for example, Radiesse. The process of introducing the gel does not differ from injections of hyaluronic acid, the only difference is in the structure of the active substance. An analogue of calcium hydroxyatite is found in bone tissue, so preparations based on it are also safe. The advantage of this compound is that it promotes the self-production of collagen by the human body, and, as you know, this protein is the key to healthy and beautiful skin. The disadvantage of preparations based on calcium hydroxyatite is the fragility of the effect obtained - only 6-12 months.

Contraindications for contouring

There is no age limit for the procedure. It is much easier to correct wrinkles in the early stages of their formation.

However, the procedure for contouring the nasolabial folds still has some contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • Systemic autoimmune diseases;
  • Exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases;
  • Tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • Exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • Taking certain medications (for example, anticoagulants);
  • Diseases of the internal organs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Chemical, laser or mechanical peeling transferred shortly before the procedure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of contraindications, or in the case of a disappointing doctor's prognosis, it is necessary to abandon the procedure, since the risk may be unjustified.

Complications after contouring of nasolabial folds

Although the percentage of undesirable consequences from filler correction is small and amounts to only 1-5% of cases, even before the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the possible complications after contouring of nasolabial folds:

  • Strong pain. You can reduce sensitivity by applying fillers with lidocaine;
  • Swelling and bruising. For their prevention, it is necessary to pre-treat with drugs that strengthen blood vessels. If edema and bruising nevertheless appear, gels with heparin, bodyagi or horse chestnut extract should be used;
  • Inflammation, formation of fibrous capsules and granulomas. The dermatologist should select the filler and its dosage based on the skin type. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes prescribed. A good prevention of complications is basic hygiene, as well as carrying out the procedure in a specially equipped room. In the event that inflammation could not be avoided, surgical intervention may be required;
  • Allergic reactions. If they occur, it is important to provide timely assistance to the patient by injecting corticosteroid drugs;
  • Bulging or migration of the gel. This complication of nasolabial folds contouring can be eliminated only through a session of injections of hyaluronidase, which is able to break down and remove previously introduced hyaluronic acid from the body. In the case of using fillers based on calcium hydroxyatite, the treatment may be delayed;
  • Vascular embolism. When the vessels are compressed with a low-viscosity filler or when it is injected too deeply, painful redness and swelling appear during the day, flowing into necrosis with scarring. In the case of vascular embolism, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

Knowing the causes of complications, as well as methods of eliminating them, you can control the process and be calm about the success of the procedure.

Prevention of complications after contour plasty

Contouring of nasolabial folds - complications and health risks
Contouring of nasolabial folds - complications and health risks

It is possible to reduce the risk of undesirable consequences of nasolabial fold contouring to almost zero if you take care of the prevention that is carried out before the procedure. Preventive measures include:

  • Referring to experienced professionals. The doctor should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and possible contraindications and, based on this, select the drug and the optimal method of its administration;
  • Aspiration test before filler injection;
  • Use of blunt cannulas;
  • A gentle way of administering the drug;
  • Using anesthetics with epinephrine;
  • The introduction of the entire volume of the drug in small doses for several sessions;
  • Applying a cold pack after manipulations;
  • Final massage of the correction zone.

When deciding on the contouring of nasolabial folds, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about this method of rejuvenation, so that the results of the procedure will only please.

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