5 Important Reasons To Do Posture Correction

5 Important Reasons To Do Posture Correction
5 Important Reasons To Do Posture Correction

5 important reasons to do posture correction

In childhood, each of us repeatedly received advice from parents, teachers, educators to walk with our heads held high, straighten our backs, and stop hunching over. But not everyone followed these useful recommendations. The result for those who did not pay attention to posture, manifested itself already in their youth: not only stoop, but also deterioration of health.

How bad posture affects health?
How bad posture affects health?

Source: depositphotos.com

Fortunately, poor posture can be largely corrected even in an adult. This process requires some time and serious self-control, but the effort will pay off handsomely: the correct position of the spine will improve the appearance and get rid of many health problems.

Increased tone

A person who is accustomed to constantly slouching has difficulty breathing, the diaphragm and pectoral muscles are forced to work with increased loads, and the lungs are insufficiently filled with air. As a result, all body tissues suffer from oxygen deficiency.

With a straightened back and slightly laid back shoulder blades, the respiratory organs begin to work efficiently, the blood is saturated with oxygen. The general tone of the body rises, there is an opportunity to work actively, the outlook on life becomes more optimistic.

Relief of the load on the skeleton

Wrong position of the spine leads to the development of pathologies in all parts of the skeleton. The fact is that in this case, body weight is distributed differently than provided by nature. It has been established, for example, that tilting the head 3 cm forward affects the spinal column and legs in the same way as lifting a 5 kg load. It is obvious that the corresponding loads, experienced constantly, overwork muscles, injure joints and bones.

People with poor posture are accustomed to walking and standing with their pelvic bones slightly pushed forward. Such a pose is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous: the result of such a skewed figure is often inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis). When the spine is straightened, the load on the joints is optimized, their normal, physiological position is restored.

Weight Loss

Improving the supply of oxygen to tissues leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes. In addition, the musculoskeletal system becomes more plastic, it is easier to engage in exercises that require increased body flexibility and joint mobility (for example, dancing, aerobics, fitness). Correct posture allows you to get real pleasure from sports, less fatigue during physical exertion.

Thus, straightening the spine contributes to a more efficient use of the body's energy reserves. People who are concerned about correcting their posture reduce excess weight.

Why is it worth doing posture correction?
Why is it worth doing posture correction?

Source: depositphotos.com

Salvation from headache

Many people suffer from so-called tension headaches. This obsessive and very unpleasant condition is the result of muscle blocks that have formed in the shoulder, cervical or jaw area. The immediate cause of such problems is usually a prolonged stay in the same position, usually with a head tilted forward and a hunched back. This position of the body is not necessarily associated with a production necessity: it is just a habit that can be combated.

Learning to keep your back straight, and your head raised and slightly laid back, you can get rid of tension headaches forever.

Increasing stress resistance

It is known that there is a body language: emotions, character traits are reflected in gestures, movements. So, indecisive and timid people constantly "shrink" - they hunch down, lower and hide their faces, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. Self-sufficiency and self-confidence, on the contrary, make a person straighten his shoulders, make his gait free and relaxed.

Oddly enough, there is also a feedback: the habit of walking with a straight back and proudly held head affects mood and even social realization. Correct posture not only becomes a signal for others - it makes a person stronger, more decisive, helps to cope with stress and successfully solve various life problems.

Posture correction is quite a feasible task. If the habit of slouching has not yet led to irreversible disorders of the musculoskeletal system, constant self-control and easy, but regular sports activities are enough to learn the habit of keeping upright. In more difficult cases, you will need the help of a doctor and a professional trainer.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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