Instructions for use:
- 1. Composition and form of preparation
- 2. Pharmacological action
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications to the appointment
- 5. Instruction method of application and dosage
- 6. Pharmacological features
- 7. Storage conditions

L-arginine belongs to the category of conditionally essential amino acids, acts as one of the most important components involved in the metabolic process, effectively stimulates the production of growth hormone.
Composition and release form of the drug
Available in capsule form containing 500 or 750 mg of L-arginine. The package can contain 50 or 90 capsules.
Pharmacological action of L-arginine
L-arginine is a biologically active food supplement that, by maintaining an optimal level of cholesterol in the blood, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels.
In addition, the positive effect of taking L-arginine, reviews confirm this, is expressed:
- in stimulating the production of insulin;
- in stimulating the process of producing growth hormone;
- in reducing the amount of body fat;
- in accelerating the process of wound healing;
- in providing a beneficial effect on the body of men: improving the functioning of the prostate gland, ensuring increased blood flow to the genitals, stimulating the production of sperm, thus creating optimal conditions for a long and stable erection.
Indications for the use of L-arginine
L-arginine is recommended for intake:
- with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- with cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver;
- with kidney disease;
- with diabetes;
- with arthritis / arthrosis;
- with infertility (both in men and women);
- in the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms in various organs;
- with depression.
Contraindications to the appointment
L-arginine is not prescribed for individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to its active substance, during pregnancy, during lactation, with schizophrenia and active manifestations of diseases caused by the herpes virus.
L-arginine instruction: method of administration and dosage

Adults are advised to take L-arginine daily at the rate of two to three capsules per day. The drug is drunk 40 minutes before meals.
Pharmacological features
The course of taking the drug allows you to achieve a significant improvement in the state of the body. The positive effects that are achieved after the appointment and use of L-arginine are expressed:
- in increasing the level of growth hormone (aka growth hormone) to the normal level of its concentration in the body (growth hormone is responsible for resistance to various kinds of diseases, accelerates tissue repair processes, enhances protein synthesis, stimulating muscle growth, reduces the level of urea contained in blood and urine, helps burn fat and convert it into energy);
- in improving mood, increasing activity, initiative, endurance;
- in the intensification of the growth of adolescents (due to the synthesis of growth hormone by L-arginine);
- in accelerating the process of wound healing and overgrowing of damaged tissues (including tendons and bones);
- in increasing muscle tissue and reducing fatty tissue;
- in cleansing muscles from nitrogenous toxins;
- in activating the activity of the immune system, also in immunodeficiency states (including AIDS);
- in helping to reduce the tension of the smooth muscles of the arteries, reducing the indicators of the lower threshold of blood pressure (as a result, L-arginine is very effective in the treatment of hypertension);
- in reducing the risk of developing type II diabetes;
- in increasing the cleansing potential of the kidneys;
- in the normalization of the timing of puberty in children;
- in prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse.
Also, the drug has a positive effect in the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Medical reviews about L-arginine suggest that it slows down the growth of tumors, including many cancerous ones. This is achieved thanks to the ability of arginine to:
a) stimulate and activate the cytotoxicity of macrophages, which is of antitumor nature;
b) increase the number, as well as increase the activity of T-helpers - substances that are one of the most important links in the development of the immune response;
c) increase the amount and also increase the activity of NK (natural killer cells) and LAK (activated killer lymphokines), stimulating their antitumor aggression.
Before starting a course of taking L-arginine, a consultation with your doctor is required.
Storage conditions for L-arginine
Store L-arginine in a dry room, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!