Osteochondrosis: Causes And Treatment Options

Osteochondrosis: Causes And Treatment Options
Osteochondrosis: Causes And Treatment Options

Osteochondrosis: causes and treatment options

The first symptoms of the disease may appear as early as adolescence. The disease can become chronic if left untreated, and pains appear with the slightest exertion - sneezing, coughing, sudden movements.

Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and other tissues of the spine. The disease develops due to malnutrition of the structures of the spine. For proper treatment, it is important to eliminate the original cause of the disease.

The main reason for the appearance of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture. Some muscles do not participate in movement, while others are subject to an increased load. Excessive stress leads to tension in the joints: because of this, functional blocks of the spine and a lack of nutrition appear, which leads to pain.

How to treat osteochondrosis?
How to treat osteochondrosis?

Disease symptoms

  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • headaches;
  • violation of reflexes;
  • distant pain in the arms, legs, shoulders, in the chest region, in the pelvic area;
  • decreased joint mobility;
  • numbness of the limbs and back muscles;
  • continuous aching back pain, which intensifies during minimal exertion.

Consequences of osteochondrosis

It is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin a course of treatment. If therapy is not started on time, then the disease leads to ankylosis - fusion of the joints of the spine, deterioration of blood supply to distant internal organs, and sexual dysfunction.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The longer the disease progresses, the longer the course of treatment will take, so it is important to diagnose osteochondrosis in a timely manner and eliminate its cause.

Diagnostics of osteochondrosis in the center "Symmetry"

Center "Symmetry" (symmetriya.ru) deals with the treatment of osteochondrosis without medication and surgery. The main methodology of the center is classes on the "Symmetry" therapeutic simulator. The movement on it is aimed at eliminating muscle imbalance, restoring blood flow and innervation, providing organs and tissues with nerve cells.

Valery Pavlenko, head physician of the Symmetry centers, will hold a reception at the Moscow center on September 4-6. The pre-sale of treatment courses has already begun. You can sign up for a consultation by phone or on the website.

Diagnostics is carried out by qualified kinesitherapists. Initial consultation includes collection of complaints, analysis of medical history, examination. During the examination, the doctor will find out the degree of posture disturbance, the mobility of the spine and joints, and probes the soft tissues in the painful sections.

Each patient must undergo optical topography of the spine using the modern DIERS 4Dmotion® apparatus. Thanks to the device, the doctor gets a complete picture of functional disorders and an assessment of the features of the spine in 10 minutes. The principle of DIERS operation lies in video analysis, the device does not irradiate patients, so it is safe even for children. After all the manipulations, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and draws up an individual treatment plan.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in the center "Symmetry"

The main task of the center is not just to get rid of pain, but to establish the cause and eradicate it. An individual training plan is developed for each client of the center on the "Symmetry" simulator.

The simulator was created taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person. Exercises on the simulator are aimed and performed in a metered manner. Movements on it are performed automatically, without unnecessary effort. During treatment, only the necessary muscles are involved, while the load on the joints is evenly distributed.

During the treatment, the patient is under the supervision of a rehabilitation therapist, who controls the correctness of movements, corrects the load, and provides psychological support. Pain syndromes decrease after the first sessions, and with each session the patient's condition improves.

A specialist check-up and topography with DIERS 4Dmotion® is performed after every three sessions on the simulator. The result of treatment for osteochondrosis will be complete relief from pain.


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