Treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis - effective and without doctors
Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is becoming an increasingly common disease every year. Moreover, if earlier people over 40 were more susceptible to it, today the disease is progressing among young people. This prevalence is primarily associated with the lifestyle of a modern person. Sedentary work in front of a computer, low physical activity lead to a malnutrition of the intervertebral discs. But this is only half the problem. Troubles begin when traditional medicine cannot achieve a permanent cure. Patients have to either come to terms with unpleasant symptoms, or seek alternative treatments.

Arsenal of modern medicine
Osteochondrosis, due to progressive degenerative-dystrophic processes, becomes a chronic disease that does not respond well to therapy. First, difficulties with treatment are associated with the fact that pathology disrupts the function of many organs and doctors do not always manage to correctly diagnose osteochondrosis the first time. While patients suffer from headaches, blood pressure, hearing impairment, concentration, vision, pain in muscles and upper limbs, the disease continues to progress and worsen the condition more and more. Due to such varied symptoms, doctors begin to treat non-existent ailments. For example, with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, cardiac syndrome with typical signs of angina pectoris is often noted. They try to treat the patient with heart medications, but the pain in the heart does not go away.

Another problem with traditional medicine is that it mainly directs its forces not to eliminate the root cause, but to eliminate manifestations. Patients are prescribed painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketanov, etc.), muscle relaxants and antispasmodics that relieve muscle spasms, B vitamins. However, as practice shows, drug treatment often does not give the desired result. In this regard, neurologists often prescribe additional therapy to their patients in the form of various physiotherapy procedures (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, etc.), therapeutic massage, exercise therapy and other measures.
For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that traditional medicine treatments help restore mobility and avoid frequent attacks and regular pain. But even with such an integrated approach, it is impossible to completely eliminate the disease. Osteochondrosis remains a chronic disease with periods of remission and exacerbations.
A real breakthrough in the treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis
Physicists of the Fizomed research and production company have found a way to treat osteochondrosis since the mid-1990s. Experts consider the human body as a self-healing system, therefore, its hidden resources are used for treatment. The physiotherapeutic agent Fizomed-Artro developed by them stimulates regeneration and starts the processes of natural recovery of the body. This device has no analogues in modern medicine.

"Fizomed-Arthro" is a monotherapeutic agent, therefore, no drug therapy is needed during treatment. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the paraffin-containing components, which, being in the projection zone of the intervertebral discs, have a biostimulating effect.
As a result of using "Fizomed-Artro", the following changes occur in the body:
- all pains and unpleasant symptoms of the disease are eliminated;
- microcirculation is normalized and, as a result, nutrition of the intervertebral discs;
- metabolic processes in tissues are restored;
- cramps and tension in muscles, pinching of nerve plexuses are eliminated;
- motor activity, amortization of intervertebral discs, tissue innervation are improved.

The remedy has a complex effect: it eliminates the cause of the disease and all manifestations. At the same time, it does not affect other organs and systems and does not disrupt their function. What is important, unlike many other therapeutic agents, Fizomed-Artro acts gently and safely. It can be used by patients of all ages, regardless of the individual characteristics of the organism, since there are no contraindications and side effects.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the treatment course is designed for at least 3 months, therefore, for a lasting result, the developers recommend adhering to this particular period. Patients notice the first improvements already 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment.
"Fizomed-Artro" acts at a deep level, eliminating the root cause, and relieves the patient from cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. The effect of the treatment has been proven by multiple clinical trials.
The use of "Fizomed-Artro" allows you to obtain an effect
comparable to the result of a whole range of conventional therapeutic measures.
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