Myocardial dystrophy
Brief description of the disease

Myocardial dystrophy is a disease that disrupts the normal functioning of the myocardium and leads to dystrophy of the heart muscle. The danger of this pathology lies in the fact that it interferes with the normal metabolism. If untreated, myocardial dystrophy in children and adults leads to atrial fibrillation and severe heart failure, and in some situations - to the development of chronic heart disease, myocarditis and cardiomyopathies.
The factors contributing to the occurrence of myocardial dystrophy are divided into two groups - cardiac and extracardiac. The former include heart defects that cause metabolic disturbances in the heart muscle. In turn, extracardiac causes are associated with blood diseases, vitamin deficiencies, intoxication, radiation and diseases of the endocrine glands. In addition, myocardial dystrophy of the heart can manifest itself as a result of occupational hazards, exposure to physical factors (overheating, chest trauma), emotional and physical overstrain. The progression of the above reasons leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the myocardium. The affected areas can be both diffuse and focal. At the same time, the pathology affects the cellular structures within one cell in different ways,which is the main distinguishing feature of myocardial dystrophy and simplifies its early diagnosis.
What happens with myocardial dystrophy?
The dystrophic process has 3 stages of development:
- the first stage - separate foci of unfavorable changes appear, which lead to the death of myocardial tissues and an increase in its size. Over time, isolated foci merge into one whole, forming enlarged cavities of the heart. At this stage, myocardial dystrophy is easily treatable, since the initial violations of the contractile function of the heart are easily stopped with the help of medications;
- the second stage - the pathological process progresses, the affected area extends to healthy tissues. In this case, the death of muscle cells is replenished by an increase in the volume of intact structures, however, dystrophic changes are still reversible due to the normalization of muscle fibers and their intracellular recovery;
- the third stage - advanced myocardial dystrophy - the symptoms indicate the development of heart failure and atrial fibrillation, which, in turn, cause irreversible changes in the myocardium and lead to serious complications in the work of the cardiovascular system.
Myocardial dystrophy - symptoms of the disease
In some cases, the fact that the signs of myocardial dystrophy are often masked as symptoms of the underlying disease interferes with determining the correct cause of the development of pathology and prescribing adequate treatment. Patients have:
- increased fatigue with minor physical exertion;
- dyspnea;
- moderate tachycardia;
- muffling heart sounds;
- pain in the left side of the chest;
- in the later stages of development - signs of heart failure.
The main task of doctors is to correctly interpret the clinical symptoms of the dystrophic process, excluding the development of cardiomyopathies, myocarditis and coronary heart disease.
Myocardial dystrophy - treatment of the disease
Treatment of myocardial dystrophy is based on eliminating the cause of the pathology, that is, the factor that caused the degenerative changes. In this case, we are talking about the surgical and drug treatment of endocrine diseases, the removal of foci of chronic infections, the prevention of intoxication, and the reduction of the negative impact of occupational hazards. Depending on how much the myocardial dystrophy of the heart has progressed, treatment involves either a temporary restriction of physical activity, or strict bed rest in especially severe cases.

In addition, dyshormonal myocardial dystrophy requires adherence to a strict diet. The patient should increase the proportion of foods containing a large amount of protein and vitamins in the diet. With excess weight, the calorie content of meals is reduced, and with avitaminosis and dystrophy, it is increased.
The most important therapeutic area of myocardial dystrophy is the correction of electrolyte disturbances. Patients are shown intravenous administration of 1 g of potassium chloride or 10-15 mg of panangin, diluted in 5% glucose solution. In the event that the patient has mild myocardial dystrophy, the symptoms of which are mild, potassium supplements can be administered orally. In the treatment of all forms of myocardial dystrophy, agents are also used that stimulate the metabolic processes of the myocardium. These drugs include: B vitamins, riboxin, potassium orotate, anabolic steroids. If myocardial dystrophy leads to symptoms of heart failure, cardiac glycosides are shown to patients.
Note also that, regardless of the form and stage, the treatment of myocardial dystrophy should be complex. Activities are carried out for a long period of time until electrolyte disturbances disappear and ECG indicators are normalized. After discharge from the hospital, all former patients are subject to mandatory dispensary observation by a cardiologist. If necessary, the doctor will determine the range of further therapeutic measures and the composition of rehabilitation procedures.
As for the prevention of the disease, it is aimed at the timely prevention of those processes that lead to dystrophy of the heart muscle.
Myocardial dystrophy in children
At an early age, cardiac pathologies arise as a result of rickets, hypervitaminosis, chronic nutritional disorders, bacterial diseases and viral infections. In addition, myocardial dystrophy in children can develop due to physical overstrain or, conversely, due to the child's low physical activity. As a rule, at an early age, the symptoms of pathology are not pronounced. For this reason, you should see your doctor immediately at the first suspicion of heart problems. To diagnose myocardial dystrophy, measures are standard in such cases, namely: a thorough examination by a cardiologist, an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!