Asafoetida - Properties, Application

Asafoetida - Properties, Application
Asafoetida - Properties, Application


Asafoetida is a perennial herb from the umbrella family
Asafoetida is a perennial herb from the umbrella family

Asafoetida (or Ferula smelly) is a perennial herb from the umbrella family, its height reaches 2 meters, the root system is very developed. From the milky juice of the roots, an exotic spice is obtained, which is also called asafoetida, and has a pungent unpleasant odor (it is several times greater than the smell of garlic and onions). Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, India) is considered the homeland of the Asafetids, where it mainly grows. In the 70s of the XX century, this plant was found in Kazakhstan and Transcaucasia, but, unfortunately, the thickets of asafoetida were destroyed in the fight against wild narcotic plantings, although it has nothing to do with narcotic substances. Asafoetida has long been known for its medicinal properties. Even in ancient Rome, it was used as a carminative.

Currently, asafoetida is an exclusively Asian spice, it is extremely rare in Europe.

Obtaining the spice asafoetida is a very long and laborious process, it can take 2-3 months. To collect it, special expeditions are going, since asafoetida grows only in mountainous areas. An average of 1000-1100 grams of thick resin (milky juice from the roots) is obtained from one plant.

In the finished form, the spice asafoetida is yellow grains of various sizes, which are interconnected by a dirty yellow (or yellow-brown) mass. All together looks like lumps of indefinite shape. Sometimes the resin is dried and ground into powder (mixed with rice flour), which slightly softens its pungent unpleasant odor.

Properties of Asafoetida

The properties of Asafoetida are quite unusual. Its taste is often described as "disgusting" and pungent. The smell is reminiscent of the smell of garlic. The peculiarity of this fragrance is its extraordinary volatility - this smell permeates everything in its path: clothes, hands, walls, dishes. The taste of asafoetida remains in the mouth for several hours; it cannot be removed with water or alcohol solutions. If the temperature in the room is more than 22C, then the smell of the spice asafoetida permeates everything in a few minutes and lasts for more than a day even when the room is ventilated.

The use of the spice asafoetida in cooking

Only true gourmets can afford to use asafoetida in the form of a spice. Given its above properties, the question arises - why endure these torments from the use of this spice? The fact is that when a small amount of asafoetida resin is fried in oil, its taste and smell soften. When used correctly in combination with other spices (ginger, cumin, kurma, black mustard), the taste of this spice becomes noble and subtle. Usually used as a spice asafoetida in the preparation of indigestible fatty lamb dishes. There is a saying in India that asafoetida will help digest nails too. Various canned food is prepared with this seasoning.

Asafoetida is used in microscopic doses and cannot be combined with onions and garlic. This spice increases appetite, improves digestion, tones up the body and leaves no breath.

Medicinal properties of asafoetida

Asafoetida has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The famous medieval scientist, philosopher and physician Avicenna in his treatise "Canon of Medicine" mentions the healing properties of asafetida as a remedy for lichen and abscesses. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, the sedative properties of asafoetida and its aid in digestion were known. When the Romans made military campaigns, they ate lentil stew, which gave a lot of energy, but caused bloating. Adding asafoetida to food helped fight flatulence, it was a real salvation for warriors. Alexander the Great brought this spice to Europe, where it was mainly used as a medicine.

Asafoetida spice is yellow grains of various sizes, tied together by a mass
Asafoetida spice is yellow grains of various sizes, tied together by a mass

Asafoetida was also used as a medicine in Russia, in the "Complete Russian Illustrated Herbal Dictionary" 1989 mentions the use of the resin of this plant as a means of improving digestion, as well as helping with hysteria and pain of neurotic origin.

Currently, asafoetida is little known in Europe and Russia, where it was replaced by onions and garlic, and is used mainly in Asian countries.

Asafoetida, as already mentioned, is mainly used to improve digestion and as a carminative (for flatulence). The spice helps to digest heavy foods and has antispasmodic properties. Asafoetida also acts as a mild laxative and helps get rid of intestinal parasites. In Ayurveda, the traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine, asafoetida is known as a bactericidal and anthelmintic agent.

Pharmaceutical preparations are made from the resin of this plant, which are used in the treatment of nervous diseases (hysteria, convulsive seizures). Breathing in the scent of asafoetida is known to help prevent hysterical fits. Since ancient times, asafoetida has been used for various types of pain (toothache, ear pain). Helps in the treatment of polyarthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, for this it is used externally in the form of a paste.

The rejuvenating properties of asafoetida are also known, its action is also mentioned in the "Kamasutra", where it is stated that this spice rejuvenates those organs that are destroyed by old age. Asafoetida also helps with gynecological diseases, especially painful menstruation and infertility. In the postpartum period, the resin of this plant is used as a general tonic.

The spice is also used for diseases of the respiratory system - for asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, a mixture of asafoetida, white onion juice and honey is made, which should be taken orally.

Contraindications to the use of asafoetida are fever, pregnancy, skin rash and increased stomach acidity.

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