5 Factors That Increase The Risk Of Early Development Of Prostatitis

5 Factors That Increase The Risk Of Early Development Of Prostatitis
5 Factors That Increase The Risk Of Early Development Of Prostatitis

5 factors that increase the risk of early development of prostatitis

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) is one of the most common urological diseases. In our country, the disease is diagnosed in 16% of adult men. However, doctors believe that this figure is greatly underestimated: not all patients seek medical help on time, and in fact, prostatitis affects from 35 to 50% of the stronger sex.

Anxiety among doctors is also caused by the fact that the disease is rapidly getting younger: if in the last decades of the 20th century, prostatitis was considered mainly a problem of men over the age of 50, today the peak of the incidence falls on persons 30-35 years old. Let's talk about the factors that contribute to the early development of prostatitis.

Bad habits

Many bacteria that cause inflammatory lesions of the prostate are part of the normal microflora of the intestines, mucous membranes and human skin. When the immune system is working normally, their presence does not threaten the development of the disease.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, addiction to fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods, regular consumption of canned food and fast food have a bad effect on the state of the body's defenses. In addition, such habits can lead to changes in the tissues of the prostate gland, which will make it vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms.

Bad habits - a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis
Bad habits - a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Frequent hypothermia

Urologists consider cold to be one of the most aggressive factors affecting the development of prostatitis. It is hypothermia that often provokes both primary cases of the disease and exacerbation of its chronic forms. Men need to remember the following:

  • It is not safe to wear tight-fitting trousers or jeans all the time. The point is not only that it can lead to congestion in the genital area. Trousers that are too tight in winter do not allow wearing sufficiently tight underwear, which inevitably leads to hypothermia;
  • not sit on stone or metal benches and curbs, especially in cold weather;
  • if caught in the rain, it is necessary to change not only outerwear, but also underwear as soon as possible. It is very harmful to wait for the panties to dry on the body. This also applies to items of clothing that are used for swimming in open waters. Coming out of the water, it is better to immediately change into dry swimming trunks and sunbathe in them;
  • for those who are fond of fishing, it is important to take care of the correct equipment. Clothes and underwear (especially in the winter season) should be multi-layered and made of fabrics that retain heat well and do not get wet.
Frequent hypothermia is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis
Frequent hypothermia is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Passive lifestyle

Urologists associate the increase in the incidence of prostatitis with the fact that in recent years the number of men who are mainly engaged in office work has sharply increased. Not every representative of the stronger sex, who spends all day at the computer and gets home in a private car, tries to make up for the lack of movement by regularly playing sports. A sedentary lifestyle sooner or later causes circulatory disorders in the small pelvis, which inevitably affects the state of its organs, including increasing their susceptibility to infections.

Meanwhile, avoiding problems is not difficult. This will be helped by daily walks, sports games in the fresh air. Swimming, cycling, and in winter - cross-country skiing are very useful.

A sedentary lifestyle is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis
A sedentary lifestyle is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Promiscuous sex

The prostate gland produces a secret that is combined with the ejaculate. It helps to maintain optimal sperm motility and increases their resistance to aggressive environmental factors.

For active cells of the prostate, both prolonged abstinence and an excessively violent sex life are equally harmful. In the first case, stagnation in the organs of the reproductive system is inevitable, and in the second, there is a high risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases that can cause the development of prostatitis.

Promiscuous sex is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis
Promiscuous sex is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Ignoring anxiety symptoms

Doctors say that more than half of patients with prostatitis seek help only when the disease is already thoroughly neglected. The reason sometimes becomes false bashfulness, which prevents a man from complaining about the malaise, but more often patients do not go to the doctor, hoping that the problem will disappear by itself, or trying to heal on their own. Obviously, this approach is fundamentally wrong and very dangerous. Ignoring symptoms such as pain in the groin and lower back, fever, frequent urge to urinate, a feeling of incomplete or painful urination, are fraught with the transition of the disease into a chronic form that requires long-term treatment, and without it, it can have many complications - from erectile dysfunction to the development of tumor process.

Ignoring anxiety symptoms is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis
Ignoring anxiety symptoms is a factor that increases the risk of early development of prostatitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Inflammation of the prostate gland belongs to those diseases, the success of treatment of which directly depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help. The basis of prostatitis therapy is antibacterial drugs, which are selected after determining the sensitivity of the microorganism that caused the pathological process to them. In addition, pain relievers and anti-spastic drugs may be prescribed. There are also folk remedies that alleviate the condition of patients with prostatitis. Their use must be agreed with the attending physician.

In the case of a timely appeal to a urologist and the implementation of his recommendations, the prognosis is favorable. Most patients manage to get rid of the problem, and if the precautions are followed, they can forget about it.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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