Blood during sex

Blood during sex - bleeding from a woman's vagina during intercourse or immediately after it is completed outside of the bleeding phase of the menstrual cycle.
The presence of blood during sex indicates physical injury or disease in the female genital area.
Causes of bleeding during sex
The causes of bleeding during sex in women can be:
- Sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes and others;
- Mechanical trauma to the walls and fornix of the vagina, cervix as a result of rough sex;
- Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease in the cervix, against which blood is released not only during sex;
- Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, against the background of which bleeding occurs not only during intercourse;
- Taking medications that provoke hypoplasia of the uterine mucosa (a decrease in the thickness of the inner lining) - aspirin, contraceptives, drugs that reduce blood clotting;
- Pathology of cervical cells, oncological diseases of the internal reproductive organs, certain blood diseases;
- Erosion of the cervix and polyps in the uterus and on its cervix;
- Injury to the vagina with a contraceptive coil inserted.
If bleeding during sex is profuse and accompanied by severe pain, urgent medical attention is needed. Such bleeding may be due to rupture of the ovary or ovarian cyst, rupture of the walls or fornix of the vagina.
It must be understood that the main cause of blood during sex (outside of menstruation) is diseases of the female genital area. Therefore, any bleeding during sexual intercourse is a serious reason to contact a qualified gynecologist and undergo a full course of examination.
Blood during first sex
Whether there will be blood during the first sex depends on the individual structure of the hymen. The hymen is a fold that forms from the vaginal mucosa at a distance of 2-3 cm from the labia minora and blocks its entrance. The shape, thickness and elasticity of the hymen vary greatly. Depending on the structure of the hymen, blood during the first sex may go during intercourse, within a few hours after it, or not at all. There are cases of lack of hymen from birth. In other cases, the natural opening in the hymen is so large that definitive defloration only occurs during labor.

there is no bleeding during the first sex, this cannot be an indicator of lack of virginity.
If there is a very large amount of blood during the first sex, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately. This may be due to an inflammatory process in the vagina or the structure of the hymen may require (very rarely) surgery to stop bleeding.
Sex during pregnancy: blood
Sex during pregnancy. Blood may be released in the last or third trimester of pregnancy due to increased vulnerability of the cervix. Loose mucosa increases sensitivity to mechanical stress (frictions), and increased blood supply to the uterus during pregnancy promotes the release of blood even from microscopic abrasions. In this case, there is no particular cause for concern.
In any other case, if there is bloody discharge during sex during pregnancy, an urgent need to consult a doctor. This can be a consequence of serious violations of the course of pregnancy, and in some cases, even cause a miscarriage.
Blood during anal sex
According to recent studies, up to 51% of men and over 38% of women practice anal sex. In most women, the anus is the concentration of a significant part of the nerve endings. During anal sex, blood rushes to the wall that separates the vagina from the rectal area. The wall swells up with blood and affects the G-spot. This makes it possible to experience very strong sexual sensations.
Unlike the walls of the vagina, no natural lubricant is released from the mucous membrane of the anus and intestines. If you do not use special gels or lubricants, blood will be released during anal sex due to mucosal trauma, cracks or ruptures of the sphincter. Microcracks heal quickly, deeper cracks and breaks cause severe bleeding. In this case, you need to contact a proctologist.
The appearance of blood during sex in any situation is a significant reason to turn to specialists for medical advice or help.
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