Aura - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Aura - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Aura - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Aura (aura; Greek - breath, breeze; synonym: harbinger of a seizure) is a kind of feeling, movement or mental experience (false perception of reality, fear, etc.), which immediately precedes an epileptic seizure.

The following types of aura are distinguished:

  • Vegetative (vegetativa) - in the form of vasomotor and / or secretory disorders;
  • Vestibular (vestibularis) - in the form of dizziness (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the temporal lobe of the brain);
  • Visceral (visceralis) - in the form of unpleasant sensations in the internal organs;
  • Taste (gustatoria) - in the form of a sensation of the taste of food, most often of an unpleasant nature (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the temporal lobe of the brain);
  • Visual (optica) - in the form of elementary visual sensations, images, complex hallucinatory pictures or objects (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex);
  • Isolated (isolata) - an aura, which is its abortive form, followed by an epileptic seizure;
  • Cardial (cardialis) - in the form of a painful sensation in the region of the heart;
  • Motor (motoria; synonym: motor aura) - in the form of convulsive contraction of individual muscles, muscle groups, or motor restlessness;
  • Olfactory (olfactoria) - in the form of a sense of smell, most often of an unpleasant nature (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the hippocampus);
  • Psychic (psychica) - in the form of fleeting experiences previously seen or never seen, mixed with fragments of past experiences (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the temporal lobe of the brain);
  • Psychosensory (psychosensoria) - in the form of a sensation of changes in the size and / or shape of individual parts or the whole body, changes in the shape and size of surrounding objects;
  • Reciprocal - in the form of a sudden stop of speech due to the impossibility of mastering the vocal apparatus;
  • Sensitive (sensitiva) - in the form of experiencing a feeling of longing and hopeless sadness or bliss (with the localization of the focus of pathology in the temporal lobe of the brain);
  • Sensory (sensoria) - in the form of any sensations: visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory, etc.;
  • Auditory (a auditiva; synonym: acoustic aura) - in the form of perception of sounds, words and whole phrases (when the focus of pathology is localized in the temporal lobe of the brain);
  • Epigastric (epigastrica) - in the form of discomfort in the stomach.

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