Atrophodermia (atrophodermia; a - negative part + Greek trophe - nutrition + derma - skin) is the general name for a group of syndromes and diseases characterized by skin atrophy.
- Neurotic atrophodermia (atrophodermia neurotica; synonyms: glossy skin, pyoderma) - occurs in diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system; characterized by the appearance of areas of tense, shiny skin, in some cases with dyschromia, as well as trophic changes in the nails and hair loss;
- Atrophodermia vermicular (atrophodermia vermicularis; synonyms: atrophodermia of the face reticulate, folliculitis reticular cicatricial erythematous, acne worm-like, erythema cicatricial acne) - occurs during puberty in girls; characterized by the appearance on the cheeks of many small follicular plugs, in place of which scars remain, which gives the skin of the cheeks a mesh "erosion", reminiscent of the surface of a tree affected by a wormhole.
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