Atelectasis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Atelectasis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Atelectasis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Atelectasis (atelectasis; Greek ateles - incomplete, incomplete, unfinished + Greek ektasis - expansion) is a condition of the lung or part of it, in which the alveoli contain almost no or no air at all and seem to have collapsed.

There are the following types of atelectasis:

  • Allergic (allergica) - associated with spasm of the bronchi and swelling of their mucous membranes; has an allergic origin;
  • Aspiration (aspirationis) - associated with getting into the bronchus together with the inhaled air of any foreign body;
  • Acinous (acinosa; synonym: lobular atelectasis) - atelectasis of the area of the lung, which corresponds to the terminal bronchiole, arising against the background of its obstruction;
  • Congenital (congenita; synonym: primary atelectasis) - atelectasis of non-functioning lungs or parts of the lungs, for example, in premature or stillborn children;
  • Dysontogenetic (dysontogenetica) - congenital atelectasis of a part of the lung, associated with an anomaly in the development of the bronchial tree;
  • Discoid (discoidea; synonym: lamellar atelectasis) - atelectasis of a small area of the lungs;
  • Lobar (lobaris) - obstructive or compression atelectasis, developing within one lobe of the lung;
  • Compression (compressiva; synonym: collapse of the lung) - caused by compression of the lung tissue from the outside;
  • Obturation (obturatoria) - atelectasis of the lung area, associated with blockage or obliteration of the corresponding bronchus;
  • Focalis - atelectasis of small areas of the lung, caused by obstruction of the corresponding bronchi;
  • Parapneumonic (parapneumonica; Greek prefix para- - about + Greek pneumon - lung) - develops around the foci of pneumonia;
  • Acquired (acquisita; synonym: secondary atelectasis) - atelectasis in a normally functioning lung before;
  • Reflex (reflectoria) - extensive or total atelectasis, which developed due to reflex bronchospasm;
  • Segmental (segmentalis) - obstructive or compression atelectasis, which developed within one bronchopulmonary segment;
  • Total (totalis) - complete atelectasis of the lungs (one or both);
  • Physiological (physiologica) - atelectasis of the parenchyma of the edges of the lungs in conditions of normal pulmonary ventilation;
  • Functional (functionalis; synonyms: hypoventilation atelectasis, distal atelectasis) - atelectasis adjacent to the spine or lower parts of the lungs due to their insufficient ventilation in bedridden debilitated patients.

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