Arnold's ganglion
Arnold ganglion (F. Arnold; ganglion):
- Ganglion cardiac middle (ganglion cardiacum medium; synonym: Arnold's ganglion) - a sympathetic ganglion, is inconsistently found in the thickness of the middle cardiac cervical nerve; gives fibers to the cardiac plexus;
- Ganglion ear [ganglion oticum - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature), BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature), JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature); synonym: Arnold's ganglion] - parasympathetic ganglion, lying on the medial side of the mandibular nerve below the foramen ovale; gives fiber to the parotid gland; receives fibers from the small stony nerve;
- Ganglion internal [ganglion splanchnicum - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature), BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature), JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature); synonym: Arnold's ganglion] - a sympathetic ganglion, lying on the large celiac nerve near its entrance to the diaphragm; gives fibers to the celiac plexus.
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