Apraxia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Apraxia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Apraxia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Apraxia (apraxia; a- - neg. Part + Greek praxis - action) - violation of purposeful action against the background of the safety of its constituent elementary movements; observed with focal lesions of the cerebral cortex or the pathways of the corpus callosum.

Types of apraxia:

  • Akinetic (akinetica; synonym: psychomotor apraxia) - due to a lack of motivation to move;
  • Amnestic (amnestica) - violations of voluntary actions against the background of the preservation of imitative;
  • Bilateral (bilateralis) - bilateral apraxia; occurs in the presence of pathological foci in the inferior parietal lobe of the dominant cerebral hemisphere;
  • Ideatorial (ideatoria; Greek idea - image, idea; synonyms: Marcuse apraxia, Bongeffer associative apraxia, Pica ideatorial apraxia) - impossibility to outline a plan of sequential actions that are necessary to perform complex motor acts;
  • Ideokinetic (ideokinetica; Greek idea - image, idea + kinetikos - referring to movement) - is caused by the loss of the ability to purposefully perform simple actions that make up a complex motor act, while maintaining the possibility of their random execution;
  • Kinesthetic (kinaesthetica; synonym: afferent apraxia) - caused by a violation of voluntary movements due to disorders of kinesthetic afferentation; characterized by the search for the right movements; occurs with lesions of the cortex of the postcentral region of the dominant cerebral hemisphere;
  • Constructive (constructiva) - the inability to compose a whole object from its parts;
  • Cortical (corticalis) - occurs with lesions of the cortex of the dominant hemisphere of the large brain;
  • Frontal (frontalis) - violations of the programming of complex sequential motor acts; occurs with lesions of the prefrontal cortex of the cerebral hemispheres;
  • Motor (motoria) - the impossibility of a complex motor act while maintaining the ability to outline a plan of the sequence of actions necessary for its implementation;
  • Dressing - difficulty dressing; observed with lesions of the parieto-occipital region of the cerebral cortex;
  • Oral (oralis) - motor apraxia of the facial muscles with disorders of complex movements of the tongue and lips; leads to speech disorders;
  • Premotor (praemotoria; synonym: dynamic apraxia) - is caused by disautomation of motor acts and their pathological inertia; characterized by impaired skills that are necessary for the transformation of individual movements into more complex ones; observed with lesions of the premotor region of the cerebral cortex;
  • Spatial - violation of orientation in space, mainly in the direction "right-left";
  • Walking - violation of walking in the absence of vestibular, proprioceptive, movement disorders and ataxia; observed with lesions of the cortex of the frontal lobes of the large brain.

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