Angina - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Angina - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Angina - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Angina (angina; lat.ango - to choke, squeeze; synonym: (outdated) throat toad) is an acute infectious disease caused by staphylococci or streptococci, in more rare cases - by other microorganisms. Angina is characterized by inflammatory changes in the lymphadenoid tissue of the pharynx, mainly in the palatine tonsils, which are manifested by moderate general intoxication and sore throat.

There are the following types of tonsillitis:

  • Alimentary (alimentaria) - characterized by foodborne transmission of infection, for example, streptococcal tonsillitis in the case of transmission of the pathogen through milk;
  • Lateral rollers (tororum levatorium) - characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the muscle rollers that raise the soft palate, in some cases with the presence of whitish plaques or festering follicles; more often observed after tonsillectomy;
  • Catarrhal (catarrhalis) - characterized by severe diffuse hyperemia of the tonsils, often - by the presence of mucopurulent exudate on the surface of the tonsils, swelling of the palatine arches, moderate reaction of regional lymph nodes (clinical form of angina);
  • Lacunar (lacunaris) - characterized by the appearance of yellowish-white blooms in the lacunae of the tonsils, which later merge in the form of films; plaques can be easily removed without disturbing the integrity of the mucous membrane under them (clinical form of angina);
  • Tubular tonsil (tonsillae tubariae) - characterized by damage to the tubular (tubular) tonsil, usually accompanying adenoiditis; complication with tubo-otitis is possible, less often - otitis media;
  • Fibrinous (fibrinosa; synonyms: tonsillitis fibrinous-membranous, tonsillitis diphtheroid) - characterized by the appearance of whitish-yellow raids on the fibrinous tonsils, regional lymphadenitis (clinical form of tonsillitis);
  • Follicular (follicularis) - characterized by suppuration of the tonsils follicles in the form of white dots the size of a pinhead, regional lymphadenitis (clinical form of angina);
  • Lingual tonsil (tonsillae lingualis) - characterized by hyperemia, swelling of the lingual tonsil, in some cases - pinpoint plaque on it, difficulty speaking, enlarged submandibular lymph nodes, pain when protruding the tongue and pressing on it with a spatula.

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