Anhidrosis (anhidrosis; an- - negative prefix + Greek hidros - sweat) is a pathological condition characterized by the absence of sweating.
- Congenital anhidrosis (anhidrosis congenita): 1. Anhidrosis associated with aplasia of sweat glands or congenital hypoplasia; 2. Autosomal recessively inherited pathology, manifested from the moment of birth;
- Acute anhidrosis (anhidrosis acuta): transient anhidrosis, which usually develops due to functional disorders of sweating, for example, with significant and rapid dehydration;
- Tropical anhidrosis (anhidrosis tropica; synonyms: O'Brain's tropical anhidrosis, tropical anhidrotic asthenia, Shelley's deep prickly heat): a pathology that develops in a tropical climate and is accompanied by a vesicular rash; occurs when the mouths of the sweat glands are blocked with dust or due to a sharp violation of the drinking regime;
- Chronic anhidrosis (anhidrosis chronica): long-term anhidrosis, which occurs, as a rule, with a- and hypoplasia of the sweat glands.
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