Sweet diet
Most weight loss diets involve avoiding sweets. Such a condition is a real torment for those with a sweet tooth, who often break out of diets because of this. "Sweet diet" is suitable for those who want to lose weight, but are not ready to completely part with sugar.
Despite the fact that the type and amount of sweets are not strictly regulated, it is worth following a reasonable approach: eat only one serving of sweets at one meal and choose those that are less high in calories. So, a piece of cake with butter cream is better to prefer a fruit pie, instead of nut baklava, eat meringue or marshmallow, and replace chocolates with several slices of dark chocolate without fillers.
Sweet Diet Rules:
- you need to eat at the same time every day, it is forbidden to have a snack between meals and skip them;
- the feeling of hunger between meals can be quenched with hot water, which must be drunk in small sips;
- sweets are allowed only in the morning. Lunch and dinner protein-vegetable;
- dishes are prepared using dietary methods - boiling, baking and stewing without fat, grilling or steaming;
- it is forbidden to add sugar to drinks;
- last meal no later than three hours before bedtime;
- you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Advantages of the "Sweet Diet"
"Sweet diet" allows you to get rid of 2-3 kg of excess weight in a week.
Provided the correct selection of products (and their choice with a given food system is wide), the state of health does not suffer, it is not difficult to follow a diet.
If desired and well tolerated, the "Sweet Diet" can be extended for one to two weeks.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Sweet diet"
Fast carbohydrates, which are part of sugar-containing foods, stimulate appetite, so the "Sweet Diet" is often accompanied by a feeling of hunger.
This diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders.
What foods are allowed?
- lean meat, poultry, fish.
- fermented milk products of low fat content.
- eggs.
- vegetables.
- fruits, berries, dried fruits.
- honey.
- porridge on the water.
- vegetable oil for salad dressing.
- sweets.
- black, green, herbal tea, black coffee.
A small amount of salt is acceptable (dishes should not be salted).
What foods are prohibited?
- butter.
- pasta.
- potatoes.
- industrial sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.).
- spice.
Sweet Diet Menu
Sample Sweet Diet menu:
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 7 days |
3.5 out of 5 The "sweet diet" differs from most diets in that its menu contains fast carbohydrates. This makes it attractive to those with a sweet tooth, and the diet is quite effective. |
Recommended frequency: every 3 months | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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