Sweet potato
Useful properties of sweet potato
The sweet potato or sweet potato, as it is also called, belongs to the bindweed family. Out of more than 1000 species, this vegetable crop is the most valuable food product. Coming from Central and South America, thanks to its beneficial properties, sweet potatoes are now widely cultivated in warm and humid regions.

According to many studies, in terms of the content in the aggregate of all nutrients, sweet potato occupies one of the leading places among the known vegetables; it is recommended to include it in your diet as a vitamin and general tonic.
Almost 5% of the vitamin composition of sweet potatoes is ascorbic acid. It also contains a large amount of niacin (vitamin PP), which is indispensable for the normal functioning of the nervous system and has an activating effect on the cerebral cortex. The lack of this vitamin in the body is caused by a monotonous refined diet and manifests itself as redness and peeling of the skin exposed to the sun, and also serves as one of the causes of depression. In addition, there are a lot of other vitamins in sweet potatoes - B, A, K and E, thiamine and riboflavin. To saturate the body with vitamin A, it is better to choose dark orange varieties of sweet potatoes, which contain much more of it.
In terms of potassium content, sweet potato yam is superior to almost all known vegetable crops. It also contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and sodium. The calorie content of sweet potatoes is 61 kcal, while it practically does not contain fats and proteins.
The main beneficial properties of sweet potatoes include a large amount of starch, which is important as an emollient and coating agent in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are generally loaded with complex carbohydrates, fiber and dietary fiber and are recommended for people with digestive disorders who cannot tolerate the fiber of traditional vegetables such as carrots, beets or cabbage.
Also, the sweet potato contains progesterone, which makes it a valuable food product in the climacteric period. According to recent studies, sweet potatoes have the ability to help stabilize blood sugar, which makes it useful for diabetes.
In addition, it is believed that sweet potatoes provide normal activity of the kidneys and liver, affect the elasticity of blood vessels, and also prevent the development of cancer.
Sweet potato application
Sweet potatoes are widely used in many cuisines around the world. Some sweet potatoes taste like bananas, chestnuts or melons. In countries where it is widely cultivated, sweet potato is the main food crop. Sun-dried root vegetables with peanut sauce are widely used in Uganda, and street fast food is made from it in Egypt and China.
Sweet potatoes are eaten raw, baked, boiled and stewed. And the low calorie content of sweet potatoes allows you to use it in your daily diet without fear of gaining excess weight. For fresh salads, it is grated on a coarse grater and goes especially well with lemon or lime juice. You can also add plant leaves to salads, which are also rich in nutrients. Boiled and baked sweet potatoes are recommended to be eaten with pickles. In China, sweet potatoes with wheat porridge are considered very useful.

Sweet potato can be combined with any meat and cereals. When preparing sweet potato dishes, it is best to use hot spices such as curry, ginger and pepper, which complement the sweet taste of the root vegetable.
Sweet potatoes are an integral part of American cuisine. It is used to make many sweet dishes with butter and brown sugar, and is also used as an alternative to regular potatoes.
Sweet potato, being the most valuable food crop in the world, has no special contraindications except for individual intolerance, which manifests itself as an allergic reaction.
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