
Nitrite Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Nitrite Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Nitrites are salts of nitrous acid. Nitrites are widely used in the chemical industry for the synthesis of a number of organic compounds, in the textile and food industries (in the processing of fish and meat products). For humans, nitrous acid salts are toxic

Ozone Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Ozone Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms, which determines its high oxidizing properties. Due to this, ozone has a powerful antimicrobial effect, which is widely used in medicine, everyday life and industry. In particular, it is used in ozonizers intended for the disinfection of living and working premises, basements and attics

Gasoline Vapor Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Gasoline Vapor Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Gasoline is a flammable, colorless or yellow liquid with a characteristic odor. It is widely used as a fuel for road transport, in the rubber industry, as a solvent for varnishes and paints

Nitrate Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Nitrate Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Nitrates (salts of nitric acid) are present in all living organisms, both plant and animal. They come inside with food, are formed as a result of their own chemical processes, in small quantities they serve as an indispensable component of metabolism. Excessive intake of nitric acid salts into the body from the outside, most often in the composition of vegetables, fruits, water and sausages, is pathological

Poisoning With Paint Vapors - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Poisoning With Paint Vapors - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dyes are used everywhere in various spheres of everyday life and production. Pigments are substances that impart color to paints and enamels, according to their chemical structure, they can be mineral and organic, of natural origin and synthetic

Hydrogen Peroxide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Hydrogen Peroxide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hydrogen peroxide, or hydrogen peroxide, is a substance similar in chemical structure to water molecules, differing from them by only one additional oxygen atom. This difference gives hydrogen peroxide special properties

Pesticide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Pesticide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pesticides are a large group of chemicals that have toxic properties and are used in crop production to combat plant pathogens, pests, parasites, and weeds. They are also used to destroy ectoparasites of humans and domestic animals

Poisoning With Hydrochloric Acid Vapors - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Poisoning With Hydrochloric Acid Vapors - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hydrochloric acid (HCl, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride) is a colorless corrosive liquid with a specific odor, one of the strongest acids capable of dissolving many metals. Obtained by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water

Beer Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Beer Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Beer is a popular low-alcohol drink (1–14% vol.), A fermentation product of malt (usually barley) wort. Fermentation takes place using brewer's yeast. The average strength of the drink varies in the range of 3–6% vol., The amount of ethyl alcohol in light varieties is 1-2, and in strong ones - up to 14% vol. Despite the name, non-alcoholic varieties contain up to 1% ethanol, since it is technologically impossible to completely remove it

Tansy Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Tansy Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Tansy belongs to medicinal plants, decoctions from it are used to treat a variety of diseases, but it cannot be called completely harmless. An overdose of herbs during treatment can cause poisoning, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and children

Cancer Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Cancer Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Crayfish meat is considered a delicacy. It has a delicate, slightly sweet taste, besides, it is rich in vitamins and microelements and is perfect for those who monitor their weight, as it is practically free of fat

Tomato Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Tomato Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Tomatoes are rich in nutrients: vitamins, trace elements, fiber. They contain lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer. Tomatoes are present in the diet of modern people almost all year round. Unfortunately, they can also cause poisoning

Wormwood Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Wormwood Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Wormwood contains a large amount of biologically active substances, due to which it is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. Wormwood is part of the popular alcoholic drink - absinthe

Solvent Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Solvent Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The concept "solvents" is generalized for a group of organic (hydrocarbons and their derivatives, alcohols, carboxylic acids, ethers, amides, ketones, etc.) and inorganic (water, halides, acids, low-melting metals, etc.) compounds with the ability dissolve various substances

Poisoning With Rolls And Sushi - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Poisoning With Rolls And Sushi - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Japanese cuisine is very popular, and every year it wins more and more fans around the world. Gourmets recognize its main delicacies as sushi and rolls. These dishes have already become traditional for domestic cafes and restaurants, and although the Japanese claim that real sushi and rolls are prepared exclusively from freshly caught fish and seafood, in the domestic version of these dishes, mainly freshly frozen products are used

Mercury Poisoning: Symptoms, Consequences, Treatment

Mercury Poisoning: Symptoms, Consequences, Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mercury is a heavy metal, the peculiarity of which is that at ordinary room temperature it is not in a solid, but in a liquid state of aggregation. Mercury is widely used not only in industry, but also in everyday life. This metal or its salts contain mercury thermometers, fluorescent lamps, some medications

Beet Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Beet Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Beets are widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Beets contain large quantities of minerals, vitamins, organic acids, which explains its benefits for the body. But if a poor-quality root vegetable is eaten, this can cause poisoning

Poisoning With Sleeping Pills - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Poisoning With Sleeping Pills - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as stress, overwork, illness, and sometimes joyful overexcitement. Not all types of insomnia require treatment. But long-term, persistent insomnia can cause serious health problems, so sleeping pills are used to combat it. Contrary to popular belief, there is no separate group of hypnotics in the pharmacopoeia

Lead Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Lead Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lead is a heavy metal, the salts of which are toxic to living organisms. It has been widely used in industry for many years, which has become one of the causes of environmental pollution in many regions. The greatest pollution of the environment with lead occurs in the process of ore mining, smelting, processing of secondary raw materials. Previously, this metal was used in the production of leaded gasoline and paints

Poisoning With Cardiac Glycosides - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Poisoning With Cardiac Glycosides - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cardiac glycosides are cardiological herbal medicines, one of the main groups of drugs in the complex therapy of acute and chronic heart failure. These include Digoxin, Digitoxin, Strofantin, Korglikon, Celanid

Solanine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Solanine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Solanine is a toxic glycoalkaloid formed in plants of the nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes). In plants, it performs a protective function, possessing fungicidal and insecticidal properties

Juice Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Juice Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Juices made from vegetables and fruits are very popular. They are absorbed by the body much better than the fresh vegetables and fruits from which they were prepared, while they contain vitamins and minerals in high concentration. That is why doctors recommend regular use of fruit and vegetable juices in baby food, as well as for people who are often sick

Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen disulfide) is the simplest compound of sulfur and hydrogen, H2S. It is a colorless gas with a peculiar rotten egg smell; the smell of concentrated hydrogen sulfide is not felt due to damage to the olfactory nerve, followed by loss of smell. Refers to flammable substances, at a concentration in air from 4 to 45% forms an explosive mixture with oxygen

Hydrocyanic Acid Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Hydrocyanic Acid Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide, HCN) is a colorless volatile liquid with a specific smell of bitter almonds. Easily soluble in water and organic solvents

Pickle Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Pickle Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pickled cucumbers are a favorite delicacy of many people, few people will refuse crispy and juicy cucumber with fried potatoes or stews. However, it is unlikely that many people think that pickle poisoning is not such a rare occurrence

Strychnine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Strychnine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Strychnine is the main alkaloid in the seeds of chilibuha (vomit), which is common in Australia, tropical regions of Asia (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos) and Africa. In addition to strychnine, the plant contains an equally powerful alkaloid - brucine, their total volume in seeds is approximately 2.5%

Tobacco Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Tobacco Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Tobacco is an annual plant belonging to the nightshade family. It has an erect stem of a cylindrical shape, which can reach a height of 2-3 meters, a branched root of a yellowish-white color and large leaves with a resinous and villous surface

Cottage Cheese Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Cottage Cheese Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cottage cheese is a popular and healthy fermented milk food product that is used, among other things, for baby and diet food. Curd is obtained by heating pasteurized milk, followed by the addition of pepsin and sourdough, and removing liquid whey after the curd is completed

Thallium Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Thallium Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Thallium is a highly toxic poison, poisoning with which is often fatal. Thallium poisoning can be either deliberate, with the intent of murder or suicide, or accidental. When eating grain contaminated with thallium when processing crops, mass poisoning is possible

Cheese Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Cheese Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cheese is a very healthy product. It is rich in easily digestible milk protein, contains vitamins, trace elements and biologically active substances. Soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk have become very popular. On the one hand, such cheeses are the most useful, and on the other hand, they are the ones that pose the greatest danger of foodborne disease

Phenol Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Phenol Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Phenol is a highly toxic chemical in the form of colorless small crystals with a pungent gouache odor. In air, under the influence of oxygen, the crystals quickly oxidize and acquire a pink tint

Vinegar Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Vinegar Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Table vinegar is a 9% acetic acid solution. In small doses, it is not dangerous to health, except that it is not recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Carbon monoxide, or carbon monoxide (chemical formula CO), is an extremely toxic, colorless gas. It is a mandatory product of incomplete combustion of carbon-containing substances: it is determined in automobile exhaust gases, cigarette smoke, in smoke during fires, etc. There is no smell of carbon monoxide, therefore, it is impossible to detect its presence and estimate the concentration in the inhaled air without devices

Formaldehyde Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Formaldehyde Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Formaldehyde is a strong poison, with a poisonous ability comparable to arsenic and hydrocyanic acid. Possesses carcinogenic properties. Failure to observe safety precautions when working with it can lead to poisoning with serious consequences

Chlorine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Chlorine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chlorine belongs to the biogenic elements of the halogen group and is present in the form of compounds in all living organisms. Chlorine ions are involved in maintaining the osmotic balance of the internal environments of the body, ensuring water metabolism, reducing the activity of nerve cells, creating optimal conditions for the functioning of gastric acid enzymes, the production of hydrochloric acid

Freon Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Freon Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The term freons (freons, refrigerants) denote a group that combines gaseous substances and low-boiling liquids, colorless, with a faint odor, readily soluble in organic solvents, as well as in many lubricating oils, and practically insoluble in water and polar solvents

Cyanide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Cyanide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cyanides (hydrocyanic acid and its salts) are poisonous chemical compounds with a quick and strong toxic effect. They have a characteristic smell of bitter almonds, which, however, cannot be distinguished by about 50% of people

Hellebore Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Hellebore Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Pharmacopoeia allows the use of hellebore as a plant material for the production of medicines. However, in view of the high toxicity of the plant, which can cause severe poisoning with a fatal outcome, preparations based on it are allowed to be used exclusively as external agents

Celandine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Celandine Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Celandine (warthog, purity, dog soap) is a ubiquitous unpretentious herb with small four-petal yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences. It belongs to the Poppy family, and, like other members of this family, has both useful and poisonous properties

Potassium Cyanide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Potassium Cyanide Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Potassium cyanide is a potassium salt of hydrocyanic acid. Outwardly, this chemical compound is similar to granulated sugar crystals. During the hydrolysis of potassium cyanide, hydrogen cyanide is released - a gas with a characteristic smell of bitter almonds, which, however, can be felt by no more than 50% of people, which is associated with genetic factors