Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Benzene is a hydrocarbon compound of the aliphatic series, it is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. The maximum permissible concentration of benzene in the air is 0.1 mg / l
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Due to the variety of external forms, the pale grebe is similar to many edible mushrooms (russula, champignons, floats), while it is considered one of the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms. Most often, inexperienced mushroom pickers suffer from poisoning
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Hemlock is a poisonous plant that grows almost everywhere. It has many other names: gorigolova, dog parsley, hollow, poisonous trunk, omega
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Elder is a woody deciduous or herbaceous plant of the adox family, numbering about 40 species. Despite the fact that elderberry is considered an alien plant for Russia, it has become widespread throughout the country. For decorative purposes, it is grown in squares, parks, in personal plots
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Domestic gas is a mixture based on natural gas used for domestic needs. Natural and municipal gas differ in composition and characteristics
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Boric acid is widely used in cosmetology, medicine and some industrial sectors. Its powder can be purchased at any pharmacy in the OTC department, and this creates the illusion of the safety of the chemical. In fact, boric acid is a toxic compound that has been banned for use in pediatric and obstetric practice since 1987 in Russia
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Wine is a popular medium-strength alcoholic drink (anhydrous alcohol content up to 16% in natural wines and up to 22% in fortified wines), obtained by fermenting grape juice. There are also fruit and berry wines, however, by default, wine is understood as grape
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Wolfberry (wolfberry, daphne, wolf bast) is a low-growing shrub no more than one meter high. It grows in the Caucasus, Siberia, as well as forests and forest-steppes of the European part of Russia. Wolf berries begin to ripen from mid-July. They have a deep red color and are located on the branches in dense clusters
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Water is one of the main substances that ensure the vital activity of the human body. A person can live without food for almost two months, but without water, death will come in a few days
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Edible mushrooms are valuable foodstuffs, they contain so much protein that they are called "vegetable meat". In addition to protein, they contain carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that improve digestion. In addition, mushrooms have a pleasant taste and special aroma, from which you can cook many dishes, including gourmet
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Dioxins (full name - polychlorinated derivatives of dibenzodioxin) are a group of organic compounds formed by combustion products of substances containing chlorine and bromine
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Chemical preparations intended for the extermination of insects have long been included in everyday life. They are used to destroy agricultural pests and insects that parasitize living quarters (cockroaches, bugs, ants, flies)
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Datura, also called crazy, or devil's grass, has been known for its toxic properties since ancient times. This plant has been used in various cultures for the manufacture of potions and poisons, as well as for the manufacture of medicinal drugs. Datura is also used as a component of drugs in modern pharmacology
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Yogurt is one of the most beloved dairy products by people of any age. It is made from skim milk fermented with a mixture of cultures of thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus. The use of yogurt allows you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and at the same time not gain extra pounds, normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora
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Iodine belongs to the chemical group of halogens, is an active non-metal, and is present as a trace element in all living organisms
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Zucchini is a delicious and healthy vegetable widely used in cooking. Zucchini dishes are popular among people who are watching their weight and adhering to the principles of a healthy diet, since they are healthy and low in calories
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Cabbage is used in food both raw and processed - thermally or by fermentation. In addition to cooking, cabbage is widely used in folk and alternative medicine, cosmetology, and ornamental gardening. Eating both cooked and raw cabbage under certain conditions can lead to food poisoning
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Potatoes are one of the most popular cultivated plants in many nations of the world. Due to their high nutritional value, potato tubers are of great importance for all mankind, and the population of Russia considers them "the second bread". Hundreds of different dishes can be prepared from potatoes. But it is also a healthy food product
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Kvass is a traditional Slavic drink, the first mention of which dates back to the 8-9 centuries (by the 15th century in Russia there were more than 500 varieties of kvass), although a recipe similar to kvass in composition and method of preparation was known in ancient Egypt
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The bulk of the adhesives are mixtures based on synthetic resins, which are transformed under the influence of hardeners into infusible adhesives. They include a number of components: film formers, solvents, hardeners, fillers, plasticizers, etc
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Castor oil plant is an ornamental fast-growing annual plant of the Euphorbiaceae family with medicinal properties. Large curly star-shaped leaves and fruits in the form of boxes give the plant decorativeness. Castor bean seeds of bright color and peculiar shape, reminiscent of the outlines of a tick, hence the name of the plant
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Millions of people start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. It helps to wake up, tones up, improves mood. However, with constant use, over time, a person develops an addiction, and one cup of coffee is no longer enough to get an invigorating effect. As a result, coffee lovers increase their consumption of this drink, which has a significant effect on the body, up to and including poisoning
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Clonidine is an imidazoline drug for the treatment of hypertension from the group of α2-adrenergic agonists. Clonidine, as well as Gemiton, Katapresan, Capressin, Clonilon, is the proprietary trade name of the active substance clonidine
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Dairy, fruit, vegetable, fish and meat canned foods are in high demand. They are tasty, nutritious and, importantly, they can be stored for a long time from the moment of production until the moment the can is opened. It is very convenient to buy them for stock
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In the fight against a large population of rodents (rats, mice), biological methods often turn out to be ineffective, and it becomes necessary to use chemical agents, which include rat poison (rodenticide). It is widely used not only in agriculture, but also in everyday life. There are several groups of rodenticides, differing in the mechanism of toxic effect on the rodent organism
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People in all countries of the world love chicken meat. It is delicious, nutritious, and easily digestible. Due to its low fat content, nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of people suffering from obesity, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases
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Red caviar is not only a delicacy, but also a healthy food product - it is rich in protein, trace elements and vitamins. Eating caviar in food helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase immunity, has a beneficial effect on vision
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Buttercup belongs to herbaceous plants of the buttercup family, it can be either one- or perennial, depending on the species, of which there are more than 400. About 40 species grow in the middle lane, but the most common are caustic buttercup, many-flowered, creeping, field, poisonous and water
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May lily of the valley is a small perennial herb, popular for its beautiful delicate flowers, which can be found along river channels, in clearings, in forests and pine forests, as well as in garden plots. It has medicinal properties, but at the same time, it can cause serious poisoning
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Manganese is a metal that is not found in its pure form on our planet. Its salts are widely used in metallurgy to give high strength steel, as well as in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products
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Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, methanol) is the simplest monohydric representative of the homologous series of alcohols. It is widely used as a stain remover, antifreeze and solvent
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Copper in the form of a simple substance is a soft, plastic pinkish-red metal with a characteristic luster, one of the first metals mastered by man. In air, the surface layer quickly oxidizes with the formation of an oxide film of a characteristic intense shade
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Opinions about cow's milk are contradictory. Disputes about its benefits for human health have been going on for decades. Despite the disagreements among scientists, for millions of people around the world, milk is an important part of the diet, in particular, due to its nutritional value and easy digestibility, milk is considered one of the main foods for children
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Euphorbia (euphorbia) is an annual or perennial plant of the Euphorbia family. In total, there are about 2000 species, very diverse in shape, size, habitat, growing conditions. The common characteristic of Euphorbia is a white, viscous juice that resembles milk
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sea water is a concept that includes all the water of the seas and oceans, which makes up about 70% of the area of the globe
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The definition of "seafood" unites marine and oceanic inhabitants that do not belong to the group of fish: cephalopods (squid, octopus), molluscs (scallops, mussels, oysters), crustaceans (lobsters, crabs, lobsters, shrimps). This group also includes less popular echinoderms and algae
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Muscarine is an alkaloid found in fly agarics. These mushrooms have such a characteristic color that it is almost impossible to accidentally eat them. However, a tincture of fly agarics containing muscarine is used by traditional healers for medicinal purposes, and some people are used to induce drug intoxication. This can lead to serious, life-threatening poisoning
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Meat is one of the main ingredients in the diet of most people. It provides the body with protein and trace minerals, including much-needed iron, as well as a range of vitamins. Meat can be used to prepare a huge number of delicious and varied dishes, including those intended for dietary nutrition
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Morphine is the main of the 20 alkaloids in opium: it accounts for 10% of the total opiate mass. Found in various types of poppy, mainly in the sleeping pill (Papaver somniferum), or opium
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Arsenic and its chemical compounds are widely used in various industries, as well as in agriculture. Arsenic is one of the most famous poisons, as popularized by detective literature