Singing for Health: 6 Reasons to Go Singing
Everyone loves to sing. Young children are happy to come up with "songs" on the go or pick up a tune, not really thinking about getting into the melody. Adults are most often shy, afraid to show their lack of talent in this area, and in vain: singing is very good for health.

Even in ancient times, doctors guessed that vocals have a positive effect on the body. In recent decades, most of these assumptions have received scientific confirmation. Today we decided to tell readers about the benefits of singing.
Healing the liver
The effect of singing on the liver and other internal organs is related to the vibration generated by sound waves. It has been experimentally established that only a fifth of these waves are directed outward, and 80% of the vibrations penetrate into the body and stimulate the work of the abdominal organs. When singing, a person's diaphragm rises and falls intensively, and these movements contribute to a kind of massage of the liver, gallbladder and intestines. As a result, the outflow of bile increases, digestion is optimized, the likelihood of the development of stagnant processes decreases, and the elimination of toxins from the body is activated.
Protection from stress
In ancient Egypt, insomnia and nervous excitement were treated with the help of choral singing. Music today helps doctors working with patients suffering from mental disorders, emotional instability, migraines, neuroses, depression and phobias. Singing is useful for correcting stuttering and other speech disorders.
When a person sings, their brain produces intense endorphins called joy hormones. Singing increases vitality, enhances the ability to concentrate, and increases physical and intellectual activity.
Respiratory disease treatment
Systematic vocal exercises train the diaphragm and muscles responsible for the movement of the ribs during breathing, optimize the ventilation process. Singing correctly requires inhaling quickly and exhaling slowly, gradually. This increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which helps to activate the immune system. A person becomes more resistant to seasonal colds.
Recently, doctors have become interested in using singing to treat ailments such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchial asthma.
Improving tone and prolonging life
It is no coincidence that there are so many long-livers among opera singers: the first thing that a future performer is taught is proper breathing and self-control. Without this, a person cannot withstand the many hours of stress associated with participating in a classical performance.
As a result, the singers master the skills of regulating inhalation and exhalation, the correct functioning of the diaphragm, their active lung volume increases, and the heart muscle becomes stronger. Similar results can be achieved with amateur singing; it is only important to correctly approach the issue of voice production.

Improving appearance
Singing, a person constantly exploits the muscles of the face and neck, which helps to strengthen the muscles, increase the tone of the skin, smooth it out and reduce the number of wrinkles. Singers keep the correct face contour for a long time and even at a respectable age look younger than their peers.
Singing is an energy consuming process. An hour of vocal training costs the body about 120 kcal, and training the diaphragm helps to tighten the abdominal muscles. All of the above allows you to keep your figure in shape.
Benefits for the pregnant woman and the fetus
The expectant mother is usually advised to listen to classical music: it calms both the woman and her baby. However, few people know that it is no less useful for a pregnant woman to sing affectionate lullabies or quiet lyric songs herself. It is known that children in the womb constantly hear the mother's voice and understand its intonation. Mom's singing enhances the feeling of harmony, calmness and security, and in the postpartum period, familiar pleasant sounds will help the child quickly adapt to an unfamiliar world.
An adult does not have to sing in front of an audience; it is useful to do this for yourself. Vocal lessons improve mood, tone up the body, improve appearance, and help solve many health problems. A person who does not hesitate to sing is sociable and communicative, it is easier for him to establish his personal life, to achieve social and professional realization.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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