Vitamin B9 - Basic Functions In The Human Body

Vitamin B9 - Basic Functions In The Human Body
Vitamin B9 - Basic Functions In The Human Body

Vitamin B9

According to doctors, people are most often deficient in vitamin B9. But he plays a huge role in the work of the whole organism: vitamin B9 is responsible for the quality of blood - with its lack, the risk of developing anemia significantly increases, it takes part in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is directly involved in the formation of new cells, including red blood cells. And women need vitamin B9 for hair growth.

Vitamin B9 - folic acid
Vitamin B9 - folic acid

Human need for vitamin B9 - folic acid

Most of all, the need for vitamin B9 is experienced by pregnant women. They need 800 mcg of vitamin B9 per day, and nursing mothers up to 600 mcg. A healthy person needs 400 mcg of vitamin B9. People suffering from alcoholism, as well as at least occasionally drinking alcohol, are also deficient in vitamin B9. This also applies to people who have used antibacterial drugs and diuretics. For lovers of sunbathing in the sun, people with a sedentary lifestyle, adolescents, it is also very important to have this vitamin in the body for full development and growth.

Signs of vitamin B9 deficiency

  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Irritability;
  • Weakness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Depressive states;
  • Neuralgic pains;
  • Inflammation of the gums.

Especially elderly people suffer from a lack of vitamin B9. It is necessary to take into account the fact that along with vitamin B9, a sufficient amount of vitamin C and B12 must be supplied. Without vitamin B12 in the human body, the content of vitamin B9 in sufficient quantities is impossible. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a balance of these two beneficial substances.

People who are deficient in vitamin B9 (folic acid) lack the strength to cope with the psychological problems that arise. They often have a bad mood and they show aggression and discontent. As soon as the deficit is filled, all symptoms are eliminated.

The cause of intrauterine abnormal development of the fetus is also a lack of folic acid. This can provoke premature birth and the birth of an inferior baby. Therefore, even at the planning stage of pregnancy, spouses should start taking folic acid tablets.

With a lack of vitamin B9 in girls, puberty may be delayed. If a woman before menopause receives a sufficient amount of this vitamin, then this period can not only be facilitated, but also postponed for a long period.

Lack of folic acid negatively affects the condition of hair, skin, mucous membranes. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend taking vitamin B9 for hair growth.

Where is vitamin B9 found

  • Beef and poultry liver;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Oranges;
  • Spinach;
  • Boiled broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Soy.

All green vegetables and herbs are rich in folic acid: parsley, green salad, all types of cabbage, vegetable tops and leaves of plantain, nettle, yarrow, mint, linden, dandelion, etc.

Vitamin B9 content in foods
Vitamin B9 content in foods

Cucumbers, beets, carrots, pumpkin, beans, apricots, bananas are also rich in vitamin B9. It is impossible to list the entire list of plant foods that contain vitamin B9. In animal products, vitamin B9 is found in meat, animal liver, fish, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, etc.

It should be taken into account that vitamin B9 is soluble in water, it quickly breaks down during cooking, so high temperatures are destructive for it. Foods that are stored for a long time do not fully preserve it.

Excess vitamin B9

It is almost unrealistic to get an excess of it through food due to the inability to consume large amounts of greens. This can occur on rare occasions when taking synthetic vitamin B9. Manifested by increased excitability, sleep disturbance. But such a phenomenon is very rare in practice.

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