Hemlock Poisoning
Hemlock is a poisonous plant that grows almost everywhere. It has many other names: gorigolova, dog parsley, hollow, poisonous trunk, omega.

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In folk medicine, hemlock tincture has long been used to treat malignant tumors. And now, despite the availability of modern antineoplastic agents, many cancer patients resort to this agent. Due to its high toxicity, the use of hemlock tincture in official medicine is prohibited. "Healers" give false hope for recovery to people who have lost hope, talking about the miraculous properties of hemlock tincture, while keeping silent about how many this method killed.
How does hemlock poisoning occur?
The toxicity of hemlock is associated with the high content of the alkaloid konyin, which is a poison with neurotoxic action.
Koniin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body and causes paralysis of motor and sensory nerve endings, as well as damage to the central nervous system, which is manifested first by its excessive excitement, and then by sharp depression.
In response to the action of the poison, the immune system is also activated - some of the anticancer effect of hemlock is associated primarily with the immune response. In addition, the tissues of malignant tumors have an increased metabolism, so they accumulate poison in themselves faster and in a higher concentration than healthy tissues. This is the basis of the mechanism of action of official chemotherapy drugs, and hemlock venom too.
Elimination of pain when taking a hemlock is associated with the ability of konyin to block the transmission of a nerve impulse - that is, not the cause of pain is eliminated, but only the ability to perceive it.
Systematic "spurring" of the immune system with hemlock tincture quickly leads to its depletion, as a result of which the body's defenses are weakened. This becomes the reason for the activation of the growth of cancer and exacerbation of other diseases.
Hemlock tincture is very poisonous. In a weakened patient, even a few drops of it can cause death. It has a pronounced toxic effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the liver, kidneys, and the cardiovascular system.
Hemlock poisoning is characterized by:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- pain in the abdomen, often of a spastic nature;
- diarrhea;
- hypersalivation;
- itching of the oral mucosa;
- paresthesia;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- dilated pupils;
- hearing and vision impairment;
- pallor of the skin;
- tachycardic arrhythmia;
- expiratory dyspnea;
- muscle twitching.
With minor poisoning, symptoms of damage to the organs of the digestive system come to the fore. They usually occur within 1-2 hours after taking the hemlock tincture. In people with hypersensitivity to poison, symptoms appear much earlier, after 15-30 minutes.
For severe intoxication, the clinical picture of ascending paralysis is characteristic. First, the patients develop and develop weakness in the lower extremities, gradually turning into paralysis. Then higher muscle groups, including respiratory ones, are drawn into the pathological process. The patient loses the ability to swallow. Tachycardia is replaced by bradycardia. Breathing becomes shallow. Against the background of an increase in cardiovascular and respiratory failure, death can occur.

Source: depositphotos.com
First aid for hemlock poisoning
If signs of hemlock poisoning appear, you must immediately begin to provide first aid.
To prevent further absorption of poison from the stomach, it should be washed. The patient is given to drink about half a liter of water with the addition of olive or sunflower oil, and then they induce vomiting, irritating the area near the root of the tongue. This procedure is categorically contraindicated for young children and unconscious people!
After that, the patient should take activated charcoal at the rate of 3-4 tablets for every 10 kg of body weight. Instead of activated carbon, you can use Filtrum STI, Smecta, Polysorb.
The victim should be put to bed and covered well with a blanket. Windows must be opened to provide fresh air and facilitate breathing.
Be sure to drink as much tannin-rich liquid as possible (decoction of oak bark, coffee, strong tea).
When is medical attention required?
Hemlock poisoning, regardless of its severity, is the basis for urgent medical attention.
The victims are treated in the toxicology departments. Hemlock poisoning therapy is symptomatic, since there is no antidote to coniin.
The victims are prescribed 5% hydrochloric acid inside, and a saline laxative is given. To accelerate the elimination of the poison, forced diuresis is shown. With an increase in respiratory failure, respiratory analeptics are used, and if they are ineffective, the question of transferring the patient to artificial ventilation is resolved. The development of a seizure requires anticonvulsant therapy (Sibazon, Magnesium sulfate).
Antiarrhythmic drugs, such as procainamide, are given intravenously to restore heart rhythm.
Possible consequences
Hemlock poisoning of mild degree with timely treatment usually ends well.
Hemlock poisoning is very dangerous for pregnant women. In them, it can cause the development of fetal pathologies and cause spontaneous miscarriage.
In children, hemlock poisoning is especially difficult, which is associated with the increased sensitivity of the child's body to toxic substances.
A complication of hemlock poisoning can be pneumonia, toxic hepatitis and nephritis.
Severe hemlock poisoning, even with timely treatment started, often ends in death against the background of ascending paralysis, respiratory and cardiovascular failure.
To prevent hemlock poisoning, sanitary and educational work should be carried out with the population, especially among people suffering from oncological diseases and their relatives. Currently, doctors have a huge arsenal of modern chemotherapy drugs that are much more effective and safe to use than hemlock.
It is also necessary to systematically explain to children the rules of behavior in nature. They should be aware that it is unacceptable to consume any herbal products without the knowledge of adults. While outside the city, children should not be left without the close attention of their parents.

Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author
Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.
Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!