Wormwood poisoning
Bitter wormwood is a herbaceous plant, common in Central Asia, the Caspian region, the Caucasus and the Crimea.
Wormwood contains a large amount of biologically active substances, due to which it is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. Wormwood is part of the popular alcoholic drink - absinthe.

Source: depositphotos.com
How does wormwood poisoning occur?
Prolonged use of medicinal preparations containing wormwood can lead to chronic poisoning, as well as the abuse of absinthe.
The toxicity of wormwood is due to the content of essential wormwood oil, tauracin and thujone in it. All parts of the plant are poisonous. When wormwood is dried, toxins do not lose their activity, and even after five years of storage, their content remains high enough to cause poisoning.
Wormwood essential oil is absorbed from the intestines and has a negative effect on the brain.
Tauracin has a greater effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Thujon is a non-specific blocker of GABA receptors that interferes with the normal functioning of inhibitory systems. It is thujone that causes general agitation, hallucinations and convulsions in case of wormwood poisoning.
Long-term use of drugs containing wormwood or its extracts leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body and the development of chronic poisoning. Its symptoms:
- increased salivation;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- bradycardia;
- spasm of blood vessels;
- nervous excitement;
- epileptic seizures.
If the patient is not provided with medical assistance, a state of stunning occurs, and then a coma develops, up to death.

Source: depositphotos.com
First aid for wormwood poisoning
When signs of poisoning appear, it is necessary, first of all, to stop further intake of wormwood. Since wormwood poisoning is chronic, it makes no sense to rinse the stomach. While awaiting medical attention, you must do the following:
- Put the patient to bed, apply a cold compress to the head (a towel soaked in cold water).
- Provide fresh air.
- During convulsive seizures, ensure the safety of the patient: make sure that he does not fall out of bed, does not bite his tongue, suffocate with a sunken tongue or vomit. Immediately after the end of the attack, the oral cavity should be cleaned of accumulated saliva and, possibly, vomit.
- Drink as much of any warm liquid (tea, milk, water) as possible.
- In the absence of diarrhea, take vaseline oil orally.
When is medical attention required?
Wormwood poisoning is associated with prolonged exposure to poisonous substances on the central nervous system of the patient. Therefore, the appearance of its first signs is always an indication for seeking specialized medical care.
Patients are treated by toxicologists in stationary conditions. If necessary, related specialists may be involved, for example, neurologists and / or psychiatrists.
There is no specific antidote for wormwood poisoning. Symptomatic therapy is being carried out. Extracorporeal detoxification may be required to speed up the elimination of wormwood toxins from the body. It is shown carrying out a general strengthening treatment, including taking vitamins, intravenous administration of glucose solutions and saline solutions, diet therapy, adherence to a medical and protective regime.
Possible consequences
In most cases, with properly organized treatment, wormwood poisoning ends in recovery.
Against the background of a convulsive seizure, aspiration of vomit can occur, which leads to the development of aspiration pneumonia.
After severe poisoning with wormwood, the patient may persist for a long time physical and mental asthenia, decreased ability to work, sleep and mood disturbances, which is associated with the development of encephalopathy, that is, damage to the brain tissue by toxic substances.
To prevent poisoning with wormwood, extensive sanitary and preventive work among the population is necessary. It is unacceptable to treat wormwood without a doctor's prescription, and when taking medications prescribed by a doctor, exceed the prescribed dose. It is very important not to exceed the duration of the course of treatment, and to take breaks of at least three weeks between courses.
Absinthe lovers should seriously limit their use.

Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author
Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.
Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!