Salvisar ointment is an effective preparation for sports injuries
Salvisar is a Russian non-prescription drug for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is shown to anyone who actively trains and gets injured from time to time. When pain occurs, it can be considered the analgesic drug of first choice. Salvisar is effective for injuries, bruises, sprains and hematomas.

Salvisar composition
The main component of Salvisar ointment is viper venom. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunostimulating properties. When it enters the body, the substance catalyzes the production of lymphocytes, which destroy the inflammatory process in the cells and tissues of the body. The viper venom does not affect homeostasis and does not cause bleeding.
Also, the drug contains camphor, turpentine, salicylic acid, which, having anti-inflammatory and local irritating effects, complement and enhance each other's effectiveness.
The dosage of the components is digitally regulated, so a small amount of snake venom gets into the ointment.
Benefits of Salvisar ointment
The benefits of Salvisar include:
- a strong anesthetic local effect, while there is no loss of sensitivity or numbness of the painful area;
- anti-inflammatory properties;
- rapid restoration of joint mobility by increasing tissue elasticity;
- improvement of trophism due to increased permeability of the vascular wall;
- improved blood circulation due to reflex vascular stimulation;
- operative restoration of joint mobility due to resorption of edema.
The drug can be used even in the case of mild sprains and bruises. If a little ointment is applied in the evening, then there will be no pain in the morning. Course use of the medication is not required in this case. Salvisar has a pleasant pine aroma, so it can be easily used indoors. The ointment is easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving oil stains on clothes.
The drug can be used in the treatment of pain after chronic fractures, in the case of protrusion of intervertebral discs, muscle spasms, etc.
Features of Salvisar ointment
Salvisar does not exert excessive local heating and excessive influence on the skin, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration and improves blood circulation. The ointment acts in the deep layers of the epidermis, without leading to pronounced hyperemia. It increases the metabolism of connective tissue. Due to this property, the medication can be used in people with sensitive skin.
Salvisar is indicated for the prevention of complications in the form of cicatricial changes in the joints and muscles. The ointment has a local irritating effect on nerve endings, vascular and cold receptors of the skin. After applying it, the patient does not feel a burning sensation or irritation of the skin, and also the place that was smeared with the drug does not redden or swell.
Salvisar can be used without a doctor's prescription. Usually it is used once a day. After applying the medicine to the skin, a person does not experience discomfort. The ointment does not burn, only a pleasant warmth is felt on the painful area. Its application can be combined with light massage. The therapeutic effect of Salvisar ointment lasts up to 12 hours. In this regard, with severe pain syndrome, it is allowed to use the drug 2 times a day. With minor indications, a single drug is allowed. It is well absorbed into the skin, you do not need to wash off the product before bedtime.
After applying the medication, wash your hands thoroughly. If it gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, they must be rinsed with running water.
The maximum course of therapy is 14 days. To increase this period, you need to consult a doctor. But the course use of the drug reduces the likelihood of pain in the future.
Use in children with sports injuries
Salvisar can be used in children from the age of 6. The dosage and mode of administration is determined by the doctor on an individual basis based on the patient's weight index, the nature of the injury and concomitant pathologies. Traumatologists also advise using Salvisar at the first signs of scoliosis in a child, but this point should be checked with your doctor.
What is Salvisar Duet?
Salvisar Duet is a new form of ointment. All components have remained the same, only the form of release has changed. One package contains 2 standard tubes. One of them can be left at home, and the other can be taken with you to competitions or hikes. The tuba doesn't take up much space. Salvisar can be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees, i.e. the ointment will not lose its medicinal properties if you carry it with you in your bag.

Salvisar is sold in all pharmacies in the country, and you can find out more information about the ointment on its official website
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