Healthy back: instructions for using Salvisar ointment
Most people throughout their lives have at least once faced such a problem as back pain, which is a fairly common complaint when visiting a doctor and can even cause temporary disability for the patient. The back of a person is the back of the torso, which extends from the neck to the sacrum and performs a number of important functions, including ensuring a static posture, vertical position of the body in space, various movements, as well as protecting internal organs. At the same time, the back has a complex structure, which explains the variety of reasons due to which a person may experience pain in this part of the body. The development of a pathological process in any component of the back structure may be accompanied by the onset of pain syndrome.
In the complex treatment of pain syndrome of various localization, local irritating drugs are widely used, which are produced in the form of an ointment, cream, gel. Due to the substances included in their composition, these drugs have an irritating effect on the sensitive nerve endings of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as a result of which tissue trophism at the site of drug action improves, and pain impulses are suppressed. From the point of view of the ratio of efficacy and safety, Salvisar deserves special attention among these drugs - a local irritating drug of natural origin.

Salvisar is a multicomponent drug, the main effect of which is achieved due to the common viper venom included in its composition, which has a suppressive effect on nerve receptors, due to which pain is relieved. In addition, Salvisar has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates local blood circulation, improves microcirculation, which, in turn, promotes the absorption of the drug by tissues.
Salvisar ointment compares favorably with other similar preparations in that it does not cause burning of the skin, is well and easily absorbed, has a pleasant smell and does not leave marks on clothes. Salvisar is a non-prescription drug and can be used without consulting a doctor.
The main indications for the use of Salvisar ointment are arthrosis of various localization, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia. By improving blood circulation in the area of action, Salvisar enhances the therapeutic effect of other drugs and can be used in complex treatment for arthrosis and chronic arthritis even in the absence of severe pain syndrome. Salvisar has been used for a long time in clinical practice at the stage of rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Salvisar is intended for external topical use. The ointment is applied to the affected area once a day, and in the presence of severe pain - 2 times a day. It is undesirable to apply the drug to mucous membranes, as well as abrasions, scratches and other wound surfaces. Salvisar can be used in children from 6 years of age.
It is possible to enhance the result from the use of Salvisar by means of massage, which can be carried out both in the office of a specialist and at home. The massage should be light and sedative. The main purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, reduce pain, and improve the patient's psycho-emotional state. The massage starts from the lumbar back and gradually moves to the neck and collar area. As the procedure progresses, the main techniques alternate, namely: stroking, rubbing, vibration movements and light kneading. The procedure ends with stroking, the total duration of the massage is about 15-20 minutes. A few minutes after the procedure, Salvisar can be applied to the skin in the area of pain localization. For this, 5-10 g of the ointment is applied paravertebrally on both sides and rubbed in with light massaging movements until the drug is completely absorbed. After applying the drug, wash your hands thoroughly.
More details can be seen in the video:
The undoubted advantage of Salvisar ointment is the breadth of therapeutic action. This drug has a pronounced analgesic effect, which manifests itself immediately after application and absorption of the ointment, and lasts up to 12 hours.
The extensive experience of using Salvisar ointment in real clinical practice shows that the vast majority of patients tolerate treatment with this drug in therapeutic doses well, the risk of side effects is minimal.
Quite often, back pain does not indicate the presence of a serious illness, however, if pain occurs again, as well as in the presence of chronic back pain, self-medication is undesirable. In such cases, in order to avoid the aggravation of the pathological process and the occurrence of adverse consequences, it is advisable to seek qualified medical help.
Salvisar's presentation video can be found here:
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