Brain. general information
The brain belongs to the anterior part of the central nervous system, located inside the cranium.

At the heart of the structure of the brain is a neural network, the connection between the elements of which is maintained using synapses. The interaction of neurons with each other through synaptic communication leads to the formation of electrical impulses that control the activity of the body.
A neuron is a body of a nerve cell that has long and short processes: an axon and a dendrite, respectively. The axon plays an important role in the transmission of impulses because it is he who, in contact with the axons of other nerve cells, forms the synapse described above.
Signal transmission between brain cells is carried out by means of neurotransmitters.
In addition to neurons, brain cells include glial cells, of which there are 7 types. Each type has its own function.
The largest vessels of the brain that supply it are three arteries - one main and two internal carotid arteries. However, blood does not enter the brain tissue directly. The blood-brain barrier helps to minimize the penetration of infection into the brain. It has selective permeability, protecting the brain from infection and penetration of certain drugs. In this case, the blood-brain barrier does not surround the entire surface of the brain. There are areas free from its protection. These include, for example, the hypothalamic region of the brain.
Brain tissue
The brain of higher vertebrates is enclosed in a cranium, which reliably protects the brain from damage and concussion. The organ itself is covered with membranes: hard, based on connective tissue, soft and vascular (arachnoid), located between them. The space between the membranes is filled with cerebrospinal fluid - CSF.
Departments of the brain
The parts of the brain correspond to the number of cerebral vesicles preceding the development of the organ in embryogenesis:
- medulla;
- the hindbrain, which includes the cerebellum and pons;
- the midbrain, which includes the roof of the midbrain with two paired mounds and two brain legs;
- diencephalon, which includes two hypothalamus and thalamus, as well as two pairs of geniculate bodies;
- the terminal brain, actually two hemispheres of the brain.
The connection between the parts of the brain exists not only anatomical, but also functional.
Brain functions
Despite the fact that each of the brain regions specializes in performing different functions, their general characteristics can be represented as follows:
- thinking is the highest human function;
- processing of sensory information that comes from the senses;
- making decisions;
- planning;
- coordination of movements, their control;
- the formation of emotions;
- Attention;
- memory;
- generation and perception of speech.
Brain concussion
Despite the solid protection that surrounds the brain, this fragile organ is subject to various tests, one of which is a concussion. With concussion (which is referred to as a mild form of traumatic brain injury), a short-term loss of consciousness is possible. The main complaints of the patient are complaints of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, as well as tinnitus and excessive sweating. Abnormalities in vital functions are not noted. The bones of the skull are intact. As a rule, the patient's general condition improves within the first or second days after injury.
Treatment of the brain with concussions includes a clinical examination, where the diagnosis is clarified using an X-ray examination. Further, adherence to bed rest for a period of at least 5 days in a hospital may be prescribed. Its duration, if necessary, is adjusted upward.
Medical treatment of the brain for concussions is aimed at restoring its normal state, as well as relieving pain, eliminating insomnia, dizziness and anxiety. As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs from the list of analgesics, hypnotics, and sedatives. In addition, in a number of cases, therapy for concussions includes metabolic and vascular procedures aimed at accelerating the recovery of impaired cerebral functions.
It should be borne in mind that with a concussion of the brain, organic damage to the organ never occurs. If post-traumatic changes are detected on CT or MRI, it is most likely a brain contusion - a more serious injury.
Vascular diseases of the brain
The brain is nourished, supplied with oxygen and energy by the vessels of the brain - the three main arteries mentioned above. Cerebral circulation disorders caused by vascular pathology are common diseases and rank second in mortality (after coronary heart disease). These include, first of all, cerebral atherosclerosis, strokes, cerebral aneurysms and a number of others.
1. Cerebral atherosclerosis occurs against the background of disorders of endocrine-biochemical processes and neuroregulatory mechanisms, followed by impaired cerebral circulation. There is a violation of mental functions. Patients also often complain of impaired memory (memorization especially suffers), associative memory. The inertia of mental processes is observed, a special type of dementia arises. Treatment of the brain in cerebral atherosclerosis includes the rationalization of work and nutrition regimes, the use of medications, including drugs of lipotropic and hypocholesterolemic actions, drugs that reduce inflammatory processes in the vessels, as well as general strengthening drugs;
2. Strokes are acute disorders of the cerebral circulation. The symptomatology is sudden and focal. The following persons fall into the risk group: old age, smokers, suffering from arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and heart disease. The symptoms of a stroke are different. As a rule, there are impaired consciousness, stunnedness, drowsiness / a state of agitation, dizziness, loss of consciousness is possible. Among vegetative symptoms: a feeling of heat, sweating, dryness in the mouth. Symptoms, by and large, are due to the area in which the lesion is located. Stroke treatment involves courses of vascular therapy, oxygen therapy, rehabilitation procedures (massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy);
3. Aneurysm of cerebral vessels affects one of the arteries feeding the organ. Hemorrhage (subarachnoid or intracerebral) can lead to death or neurological disorders. Early diagnosis and elimination of aneurysms from the bloodstream is considered the best treatment today.
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