The child is often sick: how to deal with it
Many people are familiar with the situation when the baby “does not get out” from colds. If in the first year of visiting kindergarten this is a normal reaction of the body, then the next question arises - why does the child get sick so often, how to strengthen his immunity?

According to the classification proposed in 1986 by pediatricians A. A. Baranov and V. Yu. Albitsky, often ill children can be defined as follows:
Age | Respiratory disease rate per year |
Children of the first year of life | 4 and more |
Children from 1 to 3 years old | 6 and more |
Children 4-5 years old | 5 and more |
Children over 5 years old | 4 and more |
The reasons
According to epidemiological data, sick children make up 15-40% of the total number of children. The percentage is significant, which indicates that the problem is more than urgent. Changes in immunological reactivity, or rather, inadequacy of the immune response upon contact with pathogens of respiratory tract infections, act as the main cause of respiratory diseases in children with frequent and long-term illnesses.
Many parents mistakenly believe that children often get sick, that they constantly "catch" various viruses in the garden, at the Christmas tree or in other crowded places. Therefore, it is not worth correcting such a reaction of the child's body. However, many pediatricians believe that a “frequently ill child,” or BWD, is a kind of diagnosis, a syndrome that can and should be treated.
What to do?
The whole family suffers from the BWD syndrome - one of the parents is forced to take sick leave to take care of the baby, thereby losing wages. And the situation when, after the child, all the household members begin to mope is far from uncommon. It is impossible to isolate a child from all diseases, it is important to form a shield that will prevent morbidity - strong immunity.

Of course, it is necessary to treat acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases) correctly and in a timely manner. If they are of a viral nature, and this happens most often, it is important at the first signs of illness to help the body by taking an effective antiviral agent. At the same time, doctors prescribe remedies to combat a runny nose, cough, sore throat. It is imperative to provide the baby with bed rest, abundant warm drinks, good nutrition, and airing the room.
Prevention is equally important. It can reduce the frequency of episodes of illness and significantly improve the well-being of the child. Prevention is specific and non-specific. Specific prevention is vaccination (especially for influenza). Non-specific prevention includes adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, taking vitamins (including taking care of a balanced diet), and taking special medications.
One of the effective and safe drugs that can strengthen the immune system, thereby increasing the body's resistance to various viruses, is the Timogen spray, which was developed by Russian scientists more than 25 years ago and is produced in St. Petersburg. The active substance of Thymogen is alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan. It is identical to a naturally occurring compound isolated from thymus (thymus) extract. It is the organ in which the maturation, differentiation and immunological "training" of T cells of the immune system take place. That is, in fact, one of the main "tuners" of our immunity. Thymogen contributes to the normal functioning of the organs of the immune system and other structures, in which the development and maturation of immunocompetent cells (thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, diffuse lymphoid tissue, skin, etc.) also occurs. Clinical studies have shown that prophylactic intake of Thymogen increases the intervals between episodes of ARVI and influenza, facilitates the course of the disease and reduces the likelihood of complications.
The drug is intended for children from 1 year old. The convenient form in the form of a nasal spray makes it easy, quick and painless to give medicine to even the smallest. How does Thymogen, when administered intranasally, affect the entire body? The fact is that the nasal mucosa has a large absorption surface, a developed vascular network and a minimal barrier function. This allows a small molecule of the drug to penetrate very quickly from the nasal cavity directly into the blood.
Thymogen is non-toxic and does not cause allergies. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
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