Is It Possible To Bathe A Child When He Is Sick

Is It Possible To Bathe A Child When He Is Sick
Is It Possible To Bathe A Child When He Is Sick

Is it possible to bathe a child when he is sick

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox - doctor's advice
Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox - doctor's advice

From a medical point of view, a disease is nothing more than a disturbance that occurs in the normal functioning of the human body. Diseases can be triggered by various pathogenic factors. During illness, a serious malfunction occurs in the body, which affects the general well-being, mood and performance.

Modern doctors classify diseases in many ways. Most often, diseases are distinguished by the nature of their course, the causes of their occurrence, the method of treatment and prevention.

In a separate group, experts distinguish childhood diseases. Moreover, some ailments are found in children so often that they have long been considered the norm, and are considered by doctors to be among the developmental features of children at different ages. However, the child's body is still very weak, and therefore more vulnerable to various diseases. This is why doctors pay such close attention to the treatment and care of sick children.

Is it possible to bathe a child during illness

Often, parents ask doctors if they can bathe their child during illness. As a rule, the opinions of professionals on this issue differ.

Some believe that bathing can be harmful, while others point to the clear benefits of water procedures. However, the vast majority of pediatricians agree that decisions should only be made based on the child's condition.

Therefore, there is simply no definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to bathe a child during illness. Although many doctors believe that water treatments can harm a weakened child's body. They agree that from a hygiene point of view, bathing is very important. Of course, a sick child should not take a hot bath, but you can rinse in the shower or wipe with a wet towel.

Almost all childhood diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Experts believe that you can bathe your baby at temperatures up to 37.5 ° C. Due to the high heat transfer, hot water can provoke a redistribution of blood, and this will negatively affect the child's body, weakened by the disease.

It is also noteworthy that many doctors advise to bring down extremely high temperatures precisely by bathing. To do this, warm water is drawn into the bath (no higher than 36.6 ° C) and the child is immersed in it. Water is able to "absorb" excess degrees, thereby helping to ease the health of a sick baby.

In addition, at a temperature, you can bathe a child in water with the addition of decoctions from medicinal plants. For example, chamomile flowers, sage leaves, calendula, or St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory properties. However, in the presence of some specific diseases (for example, with otitis media or skin lesions), it is still better to wait with washing.

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold

It is extremely difficult to protect small children from colds. The slightest draft and the child can catch a runny nose or cough. These early symptoms of illness are familiar to most parents. Children's doctors are often asked about whether it is possible to bathe a child with a runny nose and cough, or if it is still worth doing this until the child's body cope with the disease.

It should be noted that a runny nose or rhinitis can be considered to some extent a protective mechanism. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa becomes a barrier to viruses that cannot enter a weakened body. However, a stuffy nose causes a lot of trouble for both adults and children. You can bathe a child with a runny nose, provided that he does not have a high fever.

In addition, water treatments can serve as an excellent remedy.

During illness, harmful compounds accumulate on the skin, which leave the body through sweat. Water washes away toxins, microbes, and viral infections from the surface of the skin. Therefore, with a cold, a runny nose, as well as a cough, it is possible and even necessary to bathe the child, because this helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Although the discussion on whether it is possible to bathe a child during illness is not closed, experts believe that water procedures will not harm and even help if you follow simple recommendations:

  • It is worth remembering that at elevated temperatures and in the first days of the illness, it is better to refuse bathing so as not to provoke the development of complications. For hygienic purposes at high temperatures, it is better to use rubdowns;
  • You can bathe a child with a runny nose, however, there should be no drafts in the bathroom. In order to cure a runny nose, sea salt is added to the water, and then the child's nose is washed. True, it is worth carrying out this procedure very carefully and delicately;
  • After bathing, the child should be warm, and ideally immediately fall asleep soundly in his bed;
  • You can bathe a child when coughing in warm water with the addition of decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of medicinal plants that will help in the treatment of colds.

When can you bathe a child with chickenpox

There is an opinion that when children are sick with chickenpox, it is strictly forbidden to wash until the rash is completely gone. This is not entirely true, since you can bathe a child with chickenpox as early as five days after the onset of the disease. True, experts strongly recommend refraining from water procedures if the disease is accompanied by an elevated temperature.

In this case, it is better to wait for it to decline. In addition, it is best to avoid getting water on the rash before crusting the wounds, otherwise a secondary infection may develop. On the other hand, bathing a child with chickenpox is okay because water can help relieve the discomfort associated with itching. However, water procedures can be started no earlier than the sixth day after the onset of the disease.

Is it possible to bathe a child with a runny nose or cough
Is it possible to bathe a child with a runny nose or cough

During this period, the wounds are covered with a characteristic crust. Pediatricians recommend adding decoctions from oak bark, chamomile or celandine to the bathroom when bathing. These medicinal plants promote wound healing and reduce itching. When washing, you should not use any hygiene products, including shampoos, soap or bath foam intended exclusively for children. It is best to rinse the child's body with a weak stream of warm water, and then lubricate the rash with brilliant green.

During illness, the child's well-being deserves the most attention. When children get sick, they simply cannot live as usual - they experience great discomfort, so they are capricious and cry. Painful sensations do not allow the child to sleep normally, he loses his appetite and becomes lethargic. Bathing, provided that simple recommendations are followed, helps to improve the well-being of the child, as well as speed up the healing process.

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