Exercises For The Waist And Sides

Exercises For The Waist And Sides
Exercises For The Waist And Sides

Exercises for the waist and sides

Genetically, women are designed so that fat stored in the body is primarily stored on the hips and waist.

The most effective waist and side exercises
The most effective waist and side exercises

Any girl dreams of having a slightly thinner waist and a little slimmer figure. This can only be achieved with regular waist and side exercises. Waist slimming exercises are mainly a system of inclinations, due to which the waist will become thinner, the muscles of the lower back and the spine will be strengthened.

Waist Slimming Exercise Myths

Many people mistakenly believe that you have to train a lot. Then the waist will become thinner faster, and the relief will appear on the stomach. With regular training of the abdominal muscles, it is quite difficult to get quick results. To speed up the process of losing weight in the waist, sides and abdomen area, rejection of sweets and starchy foods and good posture will help. The belly can be partially removed by straightening the shoulders. To do this, you need to bring your shoulder blades together, raise your chin, and pull your stomach a little. Posture control is the best exercise for the waist and sides.

There is also a misconception that a beautiful waist is formed with regular training of the oblique abdominal muscles. However, training the obliques is more likely to help increase your waist. Do not rely on various inclinations with dumbbells and other similar exercises for the waist and sides. Such exercises will simply strengthen the muscle frame and help to form good posture.

Exercises to reduce the waist at home

All exercises for the sides and waist must be performed regularly, because the abdominal muscles are more difficult to train other muscles of the body. But the effect of such training will remain for a long time, being noticeable even after you stop exercising. With regular exercise and the right diet, the first results will already be visible in about five to six weeks. Planks and curls are effective exercises for the waist and sides. They train the abdominal muscles, strengthen the lumbar region, oblique abdominal muscles.

To perform twists, you need to lie on a flat surface and bend your knees. Raise your chin a little, put your hands behind your head. In this position, the tension from the neck muscles will shift to the abdominal muscles. In this case, the lower back must be pressed to the floor, and the shoulder blades must be brought together and slightly raised above the floor. As we exhale, we rise a little and bring our head to the knees as much as possible. While inhaling, we go down, but at the same time we do not completely relax our knees. If this exercise to reduce the waist is performed correctly, then after a while you will feel a burning sensation in the abdomen. The more reps done from the beginning of the burning, the better and faster the result will be. At first, it is advisable to perform two or three sets of twenty repetitions. After the body gets used to the load, you can increase the number of repetitions.

To perform the next exercise for the waist and sides, you need to lean on your toes and elbows and maintain an even body position for as long as possible. In this case, the lower back cannot be bent up and down, and the shoulder blades must be brought together. The upper back should not form a dome. It is necessary to maintain such a position of the body so that a line can be drawn from the heels to the crown of the head. The appearance of a burning sensation in the muscles 10-20 seconds after completion indicates that this exercise to reduce the waist is performed correctly. At first, you need to do two approaches for 30 seconds. Over time, it is desirable to increase the number of repetitions to three or four, and the time to 90 seconds.

How to remove the sides at the waist

The sides at the waist usually appear due to a genetic factor, that is, a predisposition to the formation of fat cells mainly in the area of the sides and abdomen. Women with this type of figure, of course, are worried about how to remove the sides at the waist. Removing the sides at the waist is not easy, but possible. However, the process of forming a wasp waist is quite long and laborious.

Reviews on waist slimming products say that a regular hula hoop can help get rid of fat in the waist area. The effectiveness of this tool was tested by our ancestors. Classes with a hoop should be given at least half an hour. With regular exercises, the first results will appear in a month. When the hoop rotates, all abdominal muscles work, and the load is distributed evenly over the entire problem area. And with the mechanical action of the hoop on the skin, subcutaneous fat is gradually broken.

Massage is considered to be no less effective (according to reviews) means for losing weight on the waist. But massage of the sides and abdomen will be effective only if you approach the weight loss of the waist comprehensively.

Exercising the waist and sides with a fitball is another great way to remove fat from the sides. Such workouts will diversify activities, make them exciting and interesting. With your right side you need to lie on the fitball, put your right hand on the floor, and leave your legs straight, while resting on the outside of the foot. Then lift your left leg up and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the left leg. Perform two approaches 25 times.

How to remove the sides at the waist - trainer tips
How to remove the sides at the waist - trainer tips

Will help remove the sides at the waist and other simple exercises. To perform the first waist slimming exercise, lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head in a lock, bend your knees together, and then simultaneously raise your legs and head, pull your elbow to the side. After that, turn on the other side and repeat the exercise. It is advisable to perform two approaches thirty times.

After that, you need to lie on your left side, put your right hand in front of you, bend your legs at the knees, simultaneously raise your legs and head and stretch your elbow to the side. Then turn to your right side and repeat the exercise. Perform two approaches 25 times.

To perform the next exercise for the waist and sides, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, fold your hands into the lock at the left thigh, and then sit down as deep as possible. Next, make a semicircle with your hands towards the right thigh so that your hands pass over your head. In this case, the leg must be raised to the level of the thigh. Perform two approaches 30 times.

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