Diet for the abdomen and sides

You can remove the belly with a diet for the belly and sides. Many nutritionists believe that in order to remove the belly and sides, a long-term diet must be chosen. Short-term diets for weight loss of the abdomen and sides only create the appearance of reducing the volume of the abdomen by cleansing the intestines.
Basic principles of a stomach and sides diet
A diet for the abdomen and sides should be started with a review of the diet. With improper nutrition, the intestines are disrupted, harmful substances accumulate in the body. When dieting for the abdomen and thighs, eat in small portions up to six times a day. A few hours after the traditional meal, you can allow a snack, but snacks should be repeated no more than three times a day. The key to a hip and belly diet is not to starve or overeat. For the duration of the diet, you must completely abandon alcohol. During the diet, you should not eat whole milk, fried vegetables, candied nuts, canned meat and fish, margarine, confectionery. Of all the drinks, preference should be given to herbal or green tea. These drinks accelerate the breakdown of fat and burn calories perfectly. During a diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, vegetables and fruits, dairy products in all types, cereals, eggs, poultry, seafood, fish, nut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil should be included in the diet.
Diets for hips and abdomen
There are many diets for the hips and belly. The kefir diet is often used. Kefir diet must be followed for five days. For breakfast, drink one and a half glasses of kefir with a slice of rye bread with bran. For lunch, drink three glasses of kefir, and for dinner - one and a half glasses of kefir with two rye croutons. During breaks, you should drink as much clean water as possible. Kefir diet is contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers.
The buckwheat diet is good for health. Buckwheat contains vitamins P and B, magnesium, potassium and other minerals. The buckwheat diet is simple. It consists of one fasting day. During this day, you need to eat only buckwheat porridge. A glass of cereal must first be brewed with two glasses of boiling water. Then wrap and put in a warm place for ten hours. Buckwheat cannot be salted. You can add a little lemon juice or soy sauce. You can drink low-fat kefir and water.
While dieting, you can make a turmeric drink. Half a teaspoon of crushed turmeric root must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for about 15-20 minutes. You need to drink this drink after meals (one cup at a time).

The Cheese Diet for Stomach and Legs is very simple and effective. The diet consists of eating cheese, combined with fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries. You can not combine cheese with melon, raisins, nuts. Cheese diet for the stomach and legs should be followed for several weeks. In this case, it is necessary to regularly massage your feet with a stiff brush under the shower.
American nutritionist Rosemary Conley has no strict menu in the stomach and leg diet. Every day you need to include in the diet salad and vegetables (300 g), protein products of animal and plant origin (150 g), complex carbohydrates (150 g), fresh fruits and fruit juices (300 g), skim milk (250 g). You can drink coffee and tea without restrictions. Sometimes you can afford a glass of dry red wine.
Exercises during a diet for the abdomen and sides
To remove the belly and sides, the diet must be combined with exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles. Twisting and reverse twisting can be performed regularly. To perform the first exercise, you need to lie on your back, put your feet on the floor, bend your knees. Stretch your arms forward, tear your shoulders off the floor. Do not strain the neck muscles. To perform reverse twisting, you need to lie on your back, raise your legs up and bend at the knees, lower your hands along the body. Raise the pelvis from the floor by five to ten centimeters. Each exercise must be performed 20 to 50 times.
The abdominal and thigh muscles can be strengthened with a hoop. A diet for the abdomen and sides in combination with the hoop will allow you to get rid of extra pounds more efficiently and faster. The hoop has a massage effect on the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles. In fifteen minutes of training with the hoop, a significant amount of calories is burned.
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