Exercise For Slimming Legs And Abdomen - Basic Rules, A Set Of Exercises

Exercise For Slimming Legs And Abdomen - Basic Rules, A Set Of Exercises
Exercise For Slimming Legs And Abdomen - Basic Rules, A Set Of Exercises

Slimming exercise

Slimming Exercise Burns Extra Fat
Slimming Exercise Burns Extra Fat

To get rid of excess weight, you should not only pay attention to the diet, but also burn excess calories, preventing them from being deposited in the form of adipose tissue. Regular physical activity reduces weight, strengthens muscles, and improves body contours.

Basic rules for weight loss charging

The physical activity that muscles are subjected to when exercising for weight loss is usually small. Their intensity, of course, cannot be compared with sports loads or achievements, the purpose of exercise for weight loss is to spend excess energy, increasing the body's energy costs through movement.

To effectively reduce excess weight, it is important to give a load to the body constantly, for example, to introduce morning exercises for weight loss into the daily routine. Although it is not at all necessary to time physical exercise at a certain time of the day. Exercise for weight loss will be equally effective regardless of whether it is morning or evening. But it is better to delay food intake from it by a time interval of at least 1.5 hours.

To achieve noticeable success and lose weight, exercises for weight loss must be done daily.

In the morning exercises for weight loss, the usual set of physical exercises is included, but the time for performing them is somewhat longer, and there are no breaks between exercises. Only such an intense pace will give visible results. Each exercise should be repeated at least 10 times.

A set of exercises for charging should be taken care of in advance by drawing up a program. It is not necessary to strive to do all the exercises from the program every day, you can separate them, for example, exercises for slimming the abdomen in one day, for the muscles of the back and arms in the second, exercises for slimming legs in the third, etc.

Slimming charging structure

In the complex of physical exercises for weight loss, three stages can be distinguished:

  • Warm-up (muscle warming up occurs);
  • The bulk of the exercise;
  • Relaxation exercises.

It is advisable to do all exercises from the weight loss program at least once during the week. Half an hour after exercise, you can eat a little, and the main meal is optimally delayed for 2 hours after exercise for weight loss.

Sample exercise exercises for weight loss

For warm-up, movements are usually selected that involve as many different muscle groups as possible. It is worth starting it with steps and running in place, jumps, swings and circular movements with hands, bends in different directions. All movements are performed at a pace and dynamically.

Exercise for slimming legs primarily involves stressing the muscles of the thighs. For this, alternate lunges with legs with a straight back, swinging legs and skidding of the legs in the opposite direction are suitable. It is also good to give a load to the muscles of the buttocks. To do this, in a supine position with legs bent at the knees, you need to tear the pelvis off the floor and lower it again.

Strengthening the muscular frame of the thighs and calves makes the legs look slimmer and more beautiful. To reduce fat deposits on the inner thighs, exercise with a step platform is well suited. You can use a regular box or box as a platform at home.

Exercise for slimming the abdomen should include a complex on the abdominal muscles. Most often this is raising the upper half of the body from a supine position. Alternatively, it is possible to raise straight legs and pelvic end from a supine position up to 45 degrees.

Exercises for the load of the abdominal press in exercises for losing weight of the abdomen must be repeated for at least 10 minutes in order to give a sufficient load to the muscles. It is recommended to include hoop exercises as well.

Push-ups help to lose weight well. It is easier for beginners to start push-ups from the wall, and only then move on to the classic push-ups from the floor. Bodyflex can be recommended as a weight loss exercise course.

Weight loss exercise includes a set of exercises aimed at burning calories
Weight loss exercise includes a set of exercises aimed at burning calories

It is useful to include the following exercises in the main complex of exercises for weight loss:

  • In the supine position, stretch your legs, while pulling the socks towards you, and then repeat the same exercise with your toes spread apart;
  • Lying on your back, press your outstretched legs to the floor, and then relax them, slightly bending at the knees;
  • In the supine position, do sliding exercises with the feet towards you and away from you, trying to grab the mat with your toes;
  • Sitting on the floor with straightened legs and grabbing your foot or ankle with your hand, try to raise your leg and lower it, repeat the same for the other leg;
  • Standing straight with crossed legs, stretch your arms forward and tilt the body forward, linger a little in the slope and slowly return to its previous position;
  • Kneeling, raise your arms up and cross them, alternately sit on one thigh, then on the other, shifting the center of gravity from side to side.

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