Cleansing Blood Vessels With Folk Remedies

Cleansing Blood Vessels With Folk Remedies
Cleansing Blood Vessels With Folk Remedies

Cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies

Recipes for cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies
Recipes for cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies

For a young and healthy look, it is not enough to look after just your appearance. If you have frequent headaches, arthritis, sclerosis, varicose veins, hearing and vision impairment, capillary nets, then you need to cleanse the vessels. Blood vessels are called elastic tubular formations, through which blood quickly flows to tissues and organs, carrying useful substances and performing other important functions. With age, the vessels become not as elastic and flexible as before, so they must not only be protected, but also cleaned in a timely manner.

People have long known that vascular health has a significant impact on overall health. Today there are a huge number of folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels.

Cleaning blood vessels with garlic

Garlic has well-known anti-sclerotic properties, since those biological active substances that are included in its composition trigger the processes of fat breakdown, thereby restoring the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing the amount of cholesterol plaques.

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic can be done using the following recipes:

• Chop one medium head of garlic and cover with one glass of extra virgin olive oil. Soak in a cool, dark place for one day and take one teaspoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals, after combining with one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. The duration of treatment is at least one month;

• Pass four lemons and four medium-sized garlic heads through a meat grinder, place them on the bottom of a three-liter jar, cover with warm water (to the top) and leave for three days in a cool, dark place. It should be taken one third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Tibetan vascular cleansing

Tibetan vascular cleansing will reduce the risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and also strengthen the immune system.

There are several recipes for the Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels:

The most popular products for cleansing blood vessels are garlic and lemon
The most popular products for cleansing blood vessels are garlic and lemon

• Chop and mix one hundred grams of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort and immortelle. The next day, pour one tablespoon of the mixture with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, strain and squeeze. Add one teaspoon of honey and drink 250 ml before bed. Warm up the remaining 250 milliliters in the morning and, adding one teaspoon of honey, drink before meals. Take this formula until the herbal mixture runs out. Such a cleansing course is recommended to be carried out no more than once every five years;

• Chop 40 grams of garlic, fill it with 100 grams of vodka or alcohol and leave in a sealed container. Take ten drops two or three times a day half an hour before meals. To enhance the taste, you can add a few drops of mint to the vessel cleaner.

Cleansing blood vessels with lemon

To cleanse the vessels with a lemon, you need to mince two lemons with a peel (removing the seeds), mix the lemons with one glass of powdered sugar and, stirring occasionally, leave for one week in a cool, dark place. Next, you need to eat this mixture in one day. On this day, nothing else but this mixture can be eaten.

It is necessary to take this mixture every other day five times. Therefore, it is better to prepare five servings of lemon with powdered sugar in advance.

Also, to cleanse the vessels with lemon, you can prepare the following mixture: cut two lemons and two oranges into pieces, remove the seeds and pass the fruit through a meat grinder. Add two tablespoons of honey. Keep the resulting mixture in a glass jar for one day at room temperature and send to the refrigerator. Consume two to three teaspoons of the mixture half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is one month, it can be repeated after two weeks.

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