Brief description of the disease

Hematuria is usually understood as the presence of blood (erythrocytes) in human urine. Depending on the intensity of the process, microscopic and macroscopic hematuria are distinguished. In the first case, red blood cells are found only under a microscope. This usually happens during a routine test study. With gross hematuria, the disease is detected by a clearly visible change in the color of urine and requires immediate consultation with a specialist.
Currently, blood in the urine periodically occurs in 15-21% of adult men and women. In many patients, it is not possible for a long time to identify the true cause of the disease, without which treatment makes no sense, since hematuria itself is only a consequence of inflammatory or other unfavorable processes occurring in the kidneys, bladder, ureter, prostate and urethra.
In some cases, hematuria, the causes of which are the characteristics of the organism of a particular patient, does not cause any problems, and a person can live with it for the rest of his life. Such a minor form of the disease is detected in 9-10% of people who have complained of blood in the urine. Nevertheless, 90% of the remaining patients seriously suffer from hematuria and need adequate complex treatment.
Hematuria - causes of the disease
- kidney disease and urinary tract infections;
- malignant neoplasms;
- benign prostatic hyperplasia;
- mechanical damage to the bladder;
- increased background radiation;
- prostatitis;
- abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
- significant physical activity;
- acute inflammatory processes affecting the genitourinary system.
Symptoms of hematuria and methods for diagnosing the disease
Most often, hematuria manifests itself as urinary disorders (sudden urge, painfulness of the process, increased frequency) and a change in the color of urine. These signs indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the bladder, urethra, or prostate gland. Note that even if the patient is diagnosed with hematuria, treatment is carried out only after a complete examination of the person, since the main task of the doctor in this case is to find the cause of the appearance of blood in the urine.
Bacteriological examination of urine helps to identify infectious processes. Hematuria, the signs of which are manifested as irritable symptoms of urination, indicates the presence of bladder carcinoma. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a cytological examination of the fluid obtained as a result of washing the bladder with isotonic sodium chloride solution. The same technique is used in situations where blood in the urine suggests bladder cancer.
A decrease in the thickness of the urine stream, uncertainty of urge and incomplete emptying of the bladder are symptoms of damage to the lower urinary tract. If hematuria is accompanied by pain in the lateral parts of the abdomen, then the most likely sources of bleeding are the ureter or kidneys. Blood in the urine that occurs with a fever can help diagnose a kidney tumor or infection.
Hematuria - treatment of the disease

With the macro-form of the disease, the patient needs to contact the attending physician and undergo a full examination to determine the cause of the disease. If hematuria manifests itself suddenly and is accompanied by significant blood loss, then the patient needs to inject hemostatic drugs and drugs that increase blood clotting. At the same time, the body is examined for infections and inflammatory processes.
We have already mentioned above that regardless of how hematuria manifests itself, treatment should be carried out only after a comprehensive examination and passing the necessary tests. Otherwise, treatment procedures will give only a short-term effect, negligible without eliminating the cause of the disease. However, it is not worth it to be very scared if blood in your urine was found, since this fact in itself does not in itself in any way indicate the seriousness of the disease.
Treatment of hematuria with folk remedies
- pour the bark or root of the barberry with 1 cup boiling water and boil the mixture for 20 minutes. It is necessary to drink the broth 2-3 times a day for 3 tbsp. spoons;
- pour 20 g of blackberry roots with 0.5 cups of red wine and simmer for 10-15 minutes. The broth should be consumed 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons;
- bearberry leaf powder will also help to cope with hematuria. Mix it in equal proportions with powdered sugar and take 1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!