Essential Oils For Cellulite

Essential Oils For Cellulite
Essential Oils For Cellulite

Essential oils for cellulite

Essential oils for cellulite are effective in combination with massage
Essential oils for cellulite are effective in combination with massage

The use of essential oils for cellulite is an effective way not only to get rid of the unpleasant appearance of problem areas, but also to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a mixture of fat, water and toxins located under the skin. Fat cells accumulate substances that the body could not remove. Most often, these are inorganic components of some products - carcinogens, food colors and additives, which change the texture of the skin, making it look like an orange peel.

Since the accumulation in cells takes place for a long time, it is impossible to get rid of cellulite in one day. This process requires large daily efforts aimed at cleaning the entire body, as well as external exposure to problem areas of the skin.

Quite often, in order to get rid of cellulite, synthetic creams and modern laser equipment are used. However, along with this, it is quite effective to use essential oils for cellulite, with daily use of which you can achieve good results in a short time.

Anti-cellulite properties of essential oils

Essential oils help accelerate metabolic processes in tissues and remove toxins from adipose tissue. The oils also reduce inflammation in the nervous and connective tissues, which helps to reduce the severity of cellulite.

Oils for cellulite, according to reviews, are effectively used:

  • For massages as part of mixtures;
  • As a component of creams. Moreover, they can be added both to ready-made creams and to self-prepared ones;
  • When carrying out wrapping procedures;
  • While taking baths.

The use of essential oils for cellulite gives the best effect when combined with exercise. This can be both strength training and yoga, cycling, ice skating, walking, swimming. Exercise, in addition to stress, should be enjoyable, which allows you to maintain a good emotional background.

Also, the best results in the fight against cellulite are achieved when a sufficient amount of water is included in the daily diet. Water cleanses the body and helps to remove toxins accumulated in fat cells.

Orange oil for cellulite

Cosmetologists advise using orange oil for cellulite daily. Orange aroma oil, like other citrus essential oils, contributes to:

  • Strengthening capillaries;
  • Increased skin tone;
  • Decrease in water content in skin cells;
  • Improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Its use makes the skin smooth and elastic. Usually, for the preparation of cosmetics with orange oil for cellulite, according to reviews, add 5 drops for every 15 grams of cosmetic base. This applies to both massage mixtures and creams, tonics, milk and lotions.

Orange oil is considered one of the main cosmetic oils, not only for its bright fruity aroma with sweet notes, but also for its availability, since quite simple technologies are used in its preparation.

Another advantage of orange aromatic oil is its good compatibility with most other essential oils - oils of all citrus fruits, pine oils, as well as essential oils of rose, geranium, juniper, cinnamon, jasmine, savory, frankincense, nioli, chamomile, nutmeg, coriander, oregano and cloves.

Orange oil is appreciated for its ability to relieve fatigue, improve mood, get rid of sleep disturbances, anxiety, anxiety and internal discomfort.

In addition to affecting the emotional sphere, oil is also appreciated for its excellent cosmetic properties. Orange essential oil is used against cellulite, as well as a vitaminizing, whitening, protective and regenerating agent for all skin types, which helps to increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.

However, care must be taken when using orange oil for cellulite, as well as other essential oils from citrus fruits. Their external use can cause photosensitivity reactions, so prolonged exposure to the sun during cellulite treatments is highly undesirable.

When using citrus essential oils for cellulite, brown spots may appear on the skin, which will fade over time. Also, the photosensitivity reaction sometimes manifests itself in the form of dizziness and fatigue. Therefore, massage treatments for cellulite using orange oil are best done in the evening.

Cinnamon oil for cellulite

Since the essential oil of cinnamon contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the skin, and other natural substances with a strong stimulating and tonic effect, it is often used externally to increase blood circulation at the local level and activate the process of cell regeneration.

Cosmetologists note that the effectiveness of cinnamon oil wraps for cellulite is not inferior to the course of massage. Sometimes a course of wraps can not only greatly improve the condition of the skin, but also reduce the total body weight.

In addition to body wraps, cinnamon oil for cellulite can also be used in massage oils, nourishing creams, and cleansing scrubs.

Wraps with cinnamon oil for cellulite are not inferior in effectiveness to a massage course
Wraps with cinnamon oil for cellulite are not inferior in effectiveness to a massage course

At home, to prepare massage oil for cellulite, almond or olive oil is used as a base. For enrichment with essential oil, 4-5 drops are enough for 2 tablespoons of the base oil. For wrapping, there are many different recipes for anti-cellulite mixtures, including dark chocolate and cosmetic clay.

Recipes for preparing massage mixtures with essential oils for cellulite

To prepare massage mixtures for cellulite with aromatic oils, it is best to mix and store them in glass bottles in a cool place. The mixture should be shaken before use, and massage is best done after a contrast shower.

Spicy Massage Oil Recipe:

  • 1/4 cup hazelnut oil
  • 1/4 cup jojoba oil
  • 10 drops of cinnamon oil;
  • 10 drops of juniper oil;
  • 10 drops of rosemary oil;
  • 10 drops of cypress oil;
  • 5 drops of orange oil.

Fruit Massage Oil Recipe:

  • 1/4 cup hazelnut oil
  • 1/4 cup jojoba oil
  • 10 drops of cypress oil;
  • 8 drops of grapefruit oil;
  • 7 drops of cedarwood oil;
  • 5 drops of orange oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 5 drops of lime oil.

You should not immediately prepare mixtures of essential oils for cellulite in large volumes, since their shelf life sometimes does not exceed six months.

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