Ejection fraction - what is the norm?

The concept of "ejection fraction" is of interest not only to specialists. Anyone who is undergoing examination or treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels may come across such a concept as the ejection fraction. Most often, the patient hears this term for the first time, undergoing an ultrasound examination of the heart - dynamic echography or X-ray contrast examination. In Russia, thousands of people require daily imaging tests. Ultrasound examination of the heart muscle is performed more often. It is after such an examination that the patient faces the question: ejection fraction - what is the norm? You can get the most accurate information from your doctor. In this article, we will also try to answer this question.
Heart disease in our country
Diseases of the cardiovascular system in civilized countries are the first cause of death for the majority of the population. In Russia, ischemic heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory system are extremely widespread. After 40 years, the risk of getting sick becomes especially high. Risk factors for cardiovascular problems are male gender, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and some others. In the event that you have several risk factors or complaints from the cardiovascular system, then it is worth seeking medical help from a general practitioner or cardiologist for examination. With the help of special equipment, the doctor will determine the size of the left ventricular ejection fraction and other parameters, and, therefore, the presence of heart failure.
What examinations can a cardiologist prescribe?
The doctor may be alerted by the patient's complaints of pain in the region of the heart, chest pain, interruptions in the work of the heart, heart palpitations, shortness of breath during exertion, dizziness, fainting, swelling in the legs, fatigue, decreased performance, weakness. The first studies are usually an electrocardiogram and a biochemical blood test. Further, Holter monitoring of the electrocardiogram, bicycle ergometry and ultrasound examination of the heart can be performed.
What studies will show the ejection fraction
Ultrasound examination of the heart, as well as radiopaque or isotope ventriculography will help to obtain information about the ejection fraction of the left and right ventricles. Ultrasound examination is the cheapest, safest and least burdensome for the patient. Even the simplest ultrasound machines are able to give an idea of the fraction of cardiac output.
Heart ejection fraction
Ejection fraction is a measure of how efficiently the heart is doing with each beat. The ejection fraction is usually called the percentage of the volume of blood ejected into the vessels from the ventricle of the heart during each contraction. If there was 100 ml of blood in the ventricle, and after contraction of the heart 60 ml fell into the aorta, then we can say that the ejection fraction was 60%. When you hear the term ejection fraction, it usually refers to the function of the left ventricle of the heart. Blood from the left ventricle enters the systemic circulation. It is left ventricular failure that leads to the development of the clinical picture of heart failure most often. Ejection fraction of the right ventricle can also be assessed by ultrasound examination of the heart.
Ejection fraction - what is the norm?
A healthy heart, even at rest, throws more than half of the blood from the left ventricle into the vessels with each beat. If this figure is much less, then we are talking about heart failure. This condition can lead to myocardial ischemia, cardiomyopathy, heart defects and other diseases. So, the norm of the left ventricular ejection fraction is 55-70%. A value of 40-55% indicates that the ejection fraction is below normal. An indicator of less than 40% indicates the presence of heart failure. With a decrease in the fraction of left ventricular ejection less than 35%, the patient has a high risk of life-threatening interruptions in the work of the heart.

Low ejection fraction
Now that you know your ejection fraction guidelines, you can see how your heart is working. If your left ventricular ejection fraction is below normal on echocardiography, you should see your doctor immediately. It is important for a cardiologist not only to find out that heart failure exists, but also to find out the cause of this condition. Therefore, after ultrasound examination, other types of diagnostics can be carried out. Low ejection fraction can be a predisposing factor for feeling unwell, edema and shortness of breath. Currently in the arsenal of a cardiologist there are remedies for the treatment of diseases that have caused a low ejection fraction. The main thing is the constant outpatient observation of the patient. In many cities specialized cardiological dispensaries have been organized for free follow-up of patients with heart failure. The cardiologist can prescribe conservative treatment with pills or surgical procedures.
Treatments for low cardiac ejection fraction
If heart failure is the cause of the low ejection fraction of the heart, then appropriate treatment will be required. The patient is recommended to limit fluid in the diet, which is less than 2 liters per day. Also, the patient will have to stop using table salt in food. The cardiologist may prescribe drugs such as diuretics, digoxin, ACE inhibitors, or beta-blockers. Diuretic medications somewhat reduce the volume of circulating blood, and hence the amount of work for the heart. Other drugs reduce the oxygen demand of the heart muscle, make its function more effective, but less costly.
An increasingly important role is played by the surgical treatment of a reduced cardiac output fraction. Operations have been developed to restore blood flow in coronary vessels in coronary artery disease. Surgery is also used to treat severe valvular heart disease. According to the indications, artificial cardiac pacemakers can be installed, preventing arrhythmia in the patient and eliminating fibrillation. Heart interventions are long-term, difficult operations that require extremely high qualifications from a surgeon and anesthesiologist. Therefore, such operations are usually performed only in specialized centers in large cities.
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