Physical development of children under one year old

The first year of a child's life is very important in terms of his development. In just one year, the baby goes from a newborn nonsense, possessing only reflexes, to a personality, which, of course, is already a year old. The physical development of children at this time is by leaps and bounds. Perhaps this is the most turbulent period in human development, never after has the body undergo such significant changes in such a short period.
Physical development of children is assessed according to several parameters: height and weight indicators, skull volume, chest volume, quantity and quality of movements and skills. These parameters are not hard-coded, but variations are allowed in a certain “corridor”. In many ways, the parameters of physical development depend on hereditary data - parents of small stature are unlikely to have a hero, and vice versa, as well as on the conditions in which the baby lives. It is a well-known and indisputably proven fact that a child surrounded by care and love grows and develops much better than a child deprived of parental warmth.
And the point here is not at all in material goods. A kid can have all the most expensive and best couture sliders, strollers for the price of a car and a staff of professional nannies, but in physical and mental development he will lag behind his peer dressed in gauze diapers and sliders from his older brother, but beloved and cherished by loved ones … Parental love, of course, is important at any age, but it is at this tender age, from birth to one year, that it directly affects the physical development of children.
You can check the physical development of the child using special tables, which indicate not only indicators, but also an approximate schedule of their changes. If you find that your child's indicators deviate from the norm indicated in the table, you should know that this is not a reason to panic, since there can be many reasons, and the physical development of children is quite variable. But this is definitely a reason for contacting a pediatrician, since only a doctor can determine how significant the deviations that have appeared, and at what point should be wary.

The fact is that before the age of one year, congenital pathology appears, if any. That is why such great importance is attached to the indicators of the physical development of children - deviations can be a manifestation of such a pathology. Many congenital diseases are now quite amenable to correction, provided that they are detected in time. A baby under one year old cannot complain about poor health, cannot explain what is wrong with him, so the task of parents is not to miss the moment and find it out on their own. Or not to find, and gladly make sure that everything is going well with their healthy child.
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